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HEALTH -as a state of complete physical,mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity.It includes aging well,longevity,quality of life,freedom from pain,etc.A state of complete physical, mental,
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

There are five main aspects of personal health;

◆ Physical health-can be defined as the normal functioning of the body. Representing one dimension of total well-
being, it's about how your body grows, feels and moves, how you care for it, and what you put into it.

◆ Mental health-includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and
act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.

Four types of mental health;

•mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder)
•anxiety disorders
•personality disorders
• psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia)

◆ Social health-is the ability of individuals to form healthy and rewarding interpersonal relationships with others.
Good social health looks like: Adapting to social situations. Staying true to yourself in all situations. Balancing
your social and personal time.

◆ Environmental health-is the branch of public health that: focuses on the relationships between people and
their environment; promotes human health and well-being; and fosters healthy and safe communities.
Environmental health is a key part of any comprehensive public health system.

Three types of environmental health;

•health impacts
•air quality
•water and sanitation
(The health impacts category includes the environmental risk exposure indicator).

◆ Spiritual health-includes a purposeful life, transcendence and actualization of different dimensions and
capacities of human beings. Spiritual health creates a balance between physical, psychological and social
aspects of human life.

FITNESS-a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity.Means
being able to perform physical activity. It also means having the energy and strength to feel as good as possible

Fitness is made up of many components, and the following factors need to be considered when discussing fitness

◆ ENDURANCE(Cardiovascular and Cardio-Respiratory)-This is your body’s ability to use and deliver oxygen to
your body.

◆ STAMINA(Muscular Endurance)-This is your body’s ability to store,process, and use energy.

◆ STRENGTH-This is the ability of your muscles or a muscular unit to apply force.

◆ FLEXIBILITY-The ability to maximize the range of motion of a joint.

◆ POWER-The ability of your muscles to maximize their force in a minimum amount of time.
◆ SPEED-The ability to minimize the amount of time it takes you to accomplish a task or movement.

◆ COORDINATION-The ability to combine several different movement patterns in a single distinct movement.

◆ ACCURACY-The ability to control a movement in a given direction or intensity.

◆ AGILITY-The ability to minimize the time going from one movement to another.

◆ BALANCE-The ability to control the centre of gravity of your body in relation to your support base.

Fitness involves activity of some sort that stimulates various system of the body and maintains a certain condition
within the body and maintains a certain condition within body. Health, on the other hand, involves every system of
the body and is only achieved through a lifestyle that support health.

Health and fitness are important because being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight,
reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and improve your ability to do everyday activities.Adults who sit less
and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits.

Good health and fitness is not something which one can achieve entirely on our own. It depends on their physical
environment and the quality of food intake. We live in villages, towns, and cities.

In such places, even our physical environment affects our health. Therefore, our social responsibility of pollution-free
environment directly affects our health. Our day-to-day habits also determine our fitness level. The quality of food,
air, water all helps in building our fitness level.

FITNESS GOALS-is a specific training objective or physical challenge you set for yourself.Your goal should be realistic
and achievable within a particular time frame, and specific to your exercise routine or training habits.

You can also use the “SMART” acronym to help guide you. A SMART fitness goal is one of that is specific,
measurable, achievable,relevant and timely.

SPECIFIC. Rather than simply saying, I’m going to exercise more,’ you’ve specified how many calories you’ll burn.

MEASURABLE. Your device will track the calories you burn,so you’ll be able to clearly know when you succeed.

ATTAINABLE. Since you’re already burning 1,000 calories a week through exercise, bumping it up a bit should be
manageable.To burn 1,250 calories,you’ll need to add about one extra workout.

RELEVANT. Exercise is totally relevant to weight loss!So exercising more fits into your larger weight loss plan.

TIME-bound. This is your goal for this week.You can choose to pursue this goal again next week, or you can set a
new goal. It’s easier to commit to a goal -and be successful-if you do it for a set amount of time.

What styles of fitness goals are there?

Goals can be based around different areas of fitness including routine, commitment, strength, a setback or workout
plateau, flexibility, or cardio.

When should you set fitness goals?

While it’s popular to set fitness goals at the start of a new year, month, season, you can start your fitness journey or
set fitness goals at any time.

How long should fitness goal take to complete?

The time it takes to reach a fitness goal is something only you can determine.Whether your goal focuses on the
immediate, short or long-term future-or all three-it’s best to set a goal that is achievable for you. This might depend
on a number of factors, but overall it should be realistic for you.
Check-in with your fitness goals
It can be helpful to check in with your goals to see how you’re progressing.This will help to confirm whether you’re
on your way to achieving your goal or it might highlight where you need to make some changes to get back on track.

Why you should set fitness goals?

Setting fitness goals has many benefits.They allow you to exercise discipline,focus, and determination-all of which
can be used in different areas of your life.

Having clearly defined fitness goals helps keep you on track and gives you something to work towards-not to
mention the feeling of accomplishment when you achieve them.

If you don’t reach your goal, don’t be dishearted.Take a moment to re-evaluate your situation and set another goal
to work towards. Ensure your new goal matches your current environment and circumtances.

Above all, consider it an oppurtunity to learn and grow from - there can be valuable lessons in setbacks and you can
bounce back feeling more empowered than ever!

Regular physical activities and routine exercise is very necessary for the people of all age group especially younger
generations. Health and fitness brings happiness in the life and helps a person to live stress free and disease free
life.A person stays happier when he/she is fit and healthy. A fit and healthy person is less prone to chronic diseases.
The healthy mind reacts better in a pressure situation. The self-confidence of a person is increased. Risk of heart
failure is reduced drastically. With the increased immunity power body could fight cancerous cells. The intensity of
the fracture is decreased with regular exercise.

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