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— Transnational activism can be defined as standards for facilitating international trade

the mobilization of collective claims by among the nations. It helps in reallocating

actors located in more than one country the capital and investment from one nation
and/or addressing more than one national to another. It is the global network of the
government and/or international government and financial institutions that
governmental organization or another determine the exchange rate of different
international actor. currencies for international trade. It is a
governing body that sets rules and
— A social movement is a type of group regulations by which different nations
action. It refers to the organizational exchange currencies with each other.
structures and strategies that may empower
oppressed populations to mount effective — Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) or
challenges and resist the more powerful and Preferential Trade Tgreements (PTAs)
advantaged elites". eliminate import tariffs as well as import
quotas between signatory countries. These
— Substitute Goods are products or agreements can be limited to a few sectors
services that consumers see as essentially or can encompass all aspects of
the same or similar enough to another international trade. FTAs can also include
product formal mechanisms to resolve trade
— Jihadist globalism is a religious response
to the materialist assault by the ungodly — Removal of tariff barriers between
West in the rest of the world. Coming out of members, together with the acceptance of a
what they consider a pure form of Islam, its common or unified external tariff against
disciples seek to destroy all those alien non-members is involved in the Custom
influences that have been imposed on Union. Single payment or duty is made by
Muslim people. It applies to those extremely countries exporting to customs union.
violent strains of religion that convert the Goods inside the union can move freely with
global imaginary into very concrete political no additional tariffs.
agendas and terrorist tactics. It is also
applied to those violent fundamentalists in — 2. POST-MODERNIST PERSPECTIVE.
the West who seek to transform the world > “HYPER SECULARISM”
into a Christian Empire. ● It rejects the Enlightenment, modernist
values of rationalism, empiricism, and
— According to the International Monetary science, along with the Enlightenment,
Fund economic globalization is a historical modernist structures of capitalism,
process, the result of human innovation and bureaucracy, and even liberalism.
technological progress. It refers to the ● It joins modernism in predicting, and
increasing integration of economies around eagerly anticipating, the disappearance of
the world, particularly through the traditional religions.
movement of goods, services, and capital > EXPRESSIVE INDIVIDUALISM
across borders. It also refers to the
movement of people (labor) and knowledge — UN, IMF, World Bank, Word Trade
(technology) across international borders. Organizations = Supranational Organization

— Global governance or world governance — Protestant, Buddhist, Catholic - religion

is a product of neo-liberal paradigm shifts in but matatawag parin na organization
international political and economic
relations (107). It is a movement towards
political integration of transnational actors
aimed at negotiating responses to problems
that affect more than one state or region. It
tends to involve institutionalization.

— International monetary system (IMS)

refers to a system that forms rules and

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