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Miss Barillaro’s Newsletter

Pizza Party
On Friday September 15th we will have a class pizza party. The students have
done an excellent job in class this school year. I am planning to have the kids
stay in my class for lunch that day. In order to be able to do this I am asking for
$2 from every student. I want to ensure that I have enough pizza for everyone
and there to be leftover if the kids would like a second helping. I will provide
juice and some treats. I am going to put the order for the pizza in the day before.
Please have you child bring the $2 to school on the 14th. If you wish for your
child to not have pizza you do not need to bring in the $2. A regular lunch from
home or the school is fine. I will ask that they can stay in my class to enjoy the
party. Thank you to your kids for giving me their best work at school!

Field Trip
We have an upcoming field trip to the zoo on
September 20th. The zoo if free so this field
trip does not cost any money. I am looking for
3 to 5 chaperones. If you wish to volunteer
please email me as soon as possible. We will
leave from the school by 9:30 and get back to Pizza party 9/15
the school by 2:30. Please get the permission
slip back to me by September 18th.

Permission slips due 9/18

Field trip 9/20

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