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“Formando Individuos y Transformando el Mundo”


Topic OBJECTIVE Resources

 Parties Students will be able to -P.104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112
(Vocabulary and identify the vocabulary to talk Learning log term 1
actions done in about birthday parties and - Activity in notebook
parties) identify and use the actions -Vocabulary: clown, cake, balloon,
that can be done at a birthday presents, candles, streamers.
 Emotions Students will be able to -P.118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126 Learning
identify emotions and use log term 1
them to express how they feel -Notes in notebook
in different situations in
complete sentences.
 Words with “c” Students will identify the -P. 119, 125 Learning log term 1
sound and spelling of the
words beginning with the
letter “c”.
 Prepositions of place Students will be able to P. 144 Learning log term 1
identify the prepositions of -Notes in notebook.
place and use them to express Vocabulary: in, on, under, in front of,
the position of an object. behind, next to, between.
 Parts of the house Students will be able to P. 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 Learning
identify the parts of the houselog term 1
-Homework January 12th
according to the characteristics
of each room. Vocabulary: Bathroom, bedroom,
kitchen, living room, dining room,
garage, garden.
 Activities people do Students will be able to use -P.158, 159 Learning log term 1
some names of activities to -Homework January 19th (notebook)
express what people are doing
or what people do as a hobby.
 Healthy and Students will be able to make P.220, 221, 234, 235 Learning log term 1
unhealthy food and healthy choices and express if
habits something is healthy or -Notes in notebook.
 Plants’ needs Students will be able to P.26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 49 Learning
identify the parts of a plant, log term 2
the process of how plants grow -Notes in notebook
and express what a plant Vocabulary: Sprout, leaf, leaves, roots,
needs to grow. seed, soil.
 Ecosystems Students will be able to P.40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48 Learning log
identify ecosystems and some term 2
of the plants and animals we
can find in each one. -Notes in notebook
“Formando Individuos y Transformando el Mundo”

 There is/ There are Students will be able to P.41 & 43 Learning log term 2
understand sentences with
“there is/there are” and use
them to express what they can -Notes in notebook.
see in a picture.
 Seasons of the year Students will be able to P.54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 212, 213
identify the seasons of the Learning log term 2
year and the main changes in
the weather during each -Notes in notebook.
season. -Awesome reader book p.68 to 73
 Months of the year Students will be able to P. 210 & 211 Learning log term 2
identify the months of the year
and the main celebration of
each month.
Important: All topics have extra material support included in the platform, library section,
folder “extra support” you can also find some of the material used in class in the folder
“materials for class”.

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