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Group :

No Kriteria Penilaian Bobot (%) Skor (10-100) Nilai (Bobot x skor)

1. Kesesuaian dengan Tema 30

2. Alur Cerita 25

3. Artistik dan Kreatifitas 25

4. Desain (warna dan gambar) 20


*Skor yang diberikan tiap kriteria : 10 – 100

Keterangan :

 Total skor maksimal : 100

 Total skor minimal : 10

Group 28 - 37 = The topic is Comic Strip
- Group 28-29 = AFECTION (Accessible food, Nutrition, and Economics in Alleviating
- Group 30-31= WASION (Wash and Child Malnutrition)
- Group 32-33 = PUBMATE (Public Health and Climate Change)
- Group 34-35 = MOTIONS (Micronutrient Deficiencies, Overnutrition,
- Group 36-37 = MALFUNCTIONS (Malnutrition, Food, and Non-Communicable

Terms and Condition of Comic Strips

1. The Comic Strip should relate to the theme specified by the committee
2. Comic strips specification:
a. Comic strips can be submitted in PDF/JPG/JPEG/PNG format with max. 15
b. The comic strips must be made on the 8R size, high resolution, (20 x 25 cm)
c. It should be ensured that the uploaded mind map is clearly visible along with
the text and graphics/image
d. You can use this template :
3. The title and content of the comic strips must be written in English
4. Interesting and creative
5. The artwork does not contain elements of violence, hate speech, and pornography,
ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations
6. Comic strips submitted must be the work of the group submitting them and must not
have been published elsewhere or have won a prize in any other competition. It is the
responsibility of each entrant to ensure that any artwork/images they submit have
been taken with the permission of the subject and do not infringe the copyright of any
third party or any laws
7. The committee has the right to disqualify the comic strips design before, during, and
after the judging takes place if it is found that there are poster design that are
conceptually made and the presentation is considered to violate the rules and
8. The names of the winners will be published across all Binawan University Social
Media pages, webpages, and where appropriate in local media
9. Judgment decisions are absolute and inviolable
10. File name : Group_the title of comic strips
11. Comic Strip submission deadline is on December, 1th 2023 via LMS
12. The winner will be announced on December, 8th 2023

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