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Survey Questionnaire: Evaluating the Impact of Integrated Cybersecurity Education

Introduction: Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is crucial for understanding the
impact of integrated cybersecurity education on digital citizenship within the ICT curriculum. Please
answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability.

Section 1: Participant Information

1.1 Demographic Information:

 Name (Optional):

 Grade/Year:

 Gender:

 Male

 Female

 Other (please specify): ________

 How often do you use digital devices?

 Rarely

 Occasionally

 Frequently

 Always

Section 2: Current State of Digital Citizenship Knowledge and Practices

2.1 Awareness and Understanding:

 On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate your current knowledge of digital citizenship?

 1 (Very Low) to 5 (Very High)

2.2 Current Practices:

 How often do you consider ethical considerations and online safety in your digital activities?

 Rarely

 Occasionally

 Frequently

 Always
Section 3: Integrated Cybersecurity Education Module

3.1 Module Effectiveness:

 How would you rate the effectiveness of the integrated cybersecurity education module in
enhancing your understanding of digital citizenship?

 Not Effective at All

 Slightly Effective

 Moderately Effective

 Very Effective

 Extremely Effective

3.2 Module Relevance:

 On a scale from 1 to 5, how relevant do you find the cybersecurity education module to your
daily digital activities?

 1 (Not Relevant) to 5 (Extremely Relevant)

Section 4: Impact on Behavior and Attitudes

4.1 Behavioral Changes:

 Have you noticed any changes in your online behavior since participating in the cybersecurity
education module?

 Yes

 No

 Not Sure

4.2 Attitudinal Shifts:

 To what extent do you agree with the statement: "The integrated cybersecurity education
module has positively influenced my attitudes towards responsible digital citizenship"?

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neutral

 Agree

 Strongly Agree
Section 5: Recommendations and Feedback

5.1 Suggestions:

 Do you have any suggestions for improving the integrated cybersecurity education module?

5.2 Recommendations:

 Would you recommend the integration of cybersecurity education into the ICT curriculum to
your peers?

 Yes

 No

 Maybe

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