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BC210201577 Zeeshan Nazir

MGT301 Assignment

1. Demand Situation:
The idea of eco-friendly furniture is still relatively new and unknown to the general public, which
presents a problem for Eco-Lux Furnishings in the current market. It appears that most customers are
more likely to favor reasonably priced and visually pleasing furniture designs than environmentally
friendly alternatives.

2. Possible Implications/Strategies
a. Marketing Campaign for Education:
Develop a thorough marketing strategy aimed at informing the target market about the advantages of
environmentally friendly furniture. The environmental effects of conventional furniture materials, the
sustainability of Eco-Lux Furnishings' goods, and the ways in which selecting eco-friendly solutions leads
to a healthier planet are a few examples of how to do this.

b. Strategic Alliances:
Establish alliances with interior designers, eco-conscious groups, and influencers in the home and
lifestyle. Eco-Lux Furnishings may increase their visibility and reach a larger audience by working with
influencers and industry professionals. To increase the brand's exposure and legitimacy, these
collaborations may include co-branded campaigns, joint promotional events, or product endorsements.

c. Design innovation and affordability:

By providing competitive pricing and value-added features, you can dispel the myth that eco-friendly
choices cost more. Stress that buying high-quality, environmentally friendly furniture is a smart long-term
decision by highlighting the robustness and lifespan of Eco-Lux Furnishings' goods. In order to draw in
customers that value aesthetics over environmental responsibility, you should also concentrate on creating
compelling and inventive designs.

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