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Pakistan International School Jubail

Subject: Studies in Islam

Grade: 7th
UNIT 20: PROPHET MUHAMMAD ‫ ﻋﻠ'ﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬$ "‫ ﺻ‬Part-I

Find answers to the following questions:

Q. 01: What factors led to the Battle of Badr? When it was fought?
Ans: The rapid spread of Islam in Madina increased the anxiety of the Quraish who
were already unfriendly with the Muslims. The jealousy of the Jews and the conspiracies
of the hypocrites like the power-hungry Abdullah ibn Ubayy – all these contributed
towards the Battle of Badr which took place on 17th Ramadan, 2 H.
Q. 02: What was the reason of the jealousy of the Jews towards the Muslims?
Ans: As Islam began to spread, some Jewish monks like Abdullah ibn Salam embraced
Islam. This inflamed the jealousy of the Jews.
Q. 03: What kind of people tried to break the Muslim harmony?
Ans: Such people that had disease in their hearts entered Islam hypocritically. They
made a show of their Islam. They were from the Jewish community and from the
Mushrikeen as well. They secretly worked to break the Muslim harmony.
Q. 04: Recall the signs of a hypocrite as mentioned in a Hadith.
Ans: The Signs of a hypocrite are three: When he speaks, he lies. When he makes a
promise, he breaks it. And when he is trusted, he deceives.
Q. 05: Why did Allah’s Messenger receive a Revelation that permitted Muslims
to fight?
Ans: After the Prophet’s migration to Madina, when the Muslims were living under the
constant threat of a Quraish invasion, the Prophet ‫ﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬U‫ ﻋﻠ‬R Q‫ ﺻ‬received a
Revelation that permitted Muslims to fight.
Q. 06: What chief point do you notice in this permission?
Ans: The chief point in this permission is that the Muslims were asked to take the
defensive stand.
Q. 07: In what conditions does Islam permit war?
Ans: Islam permits war only for self-defence, when non-Muslims make or attempt
aggression on Muslims, or interfere with the spread of peaceful message to mankind.
Q. 08: What news did the Muslims receive in the month of Shaban 2 H?
Ans: In the month of Shaban 2 H, the Muslims learnt that a great trade caravan had
started on its journey from Syria and would be passing Madina a few weeks later.
Q. 09: Give a brief description of the trade caravan led by Abu Sufyan?
Ans: The trade caravan led by Abu Sufyan consisted of 1000 camels. The merchandise
was worth 50,000 dinars. Everyone in Makkah had a share in it. Everyone in Makkah
was, therefore, concerned about its safety. About 70 men accompanied it.
Q. 10: Why did Abu Sufyan send a fast-riding messenger to Makkah? What was
its result?
Ans: Abu Sufyan realised that the Muslims were planning to ‘attack’ his caravan. He
sent out a fast-riding messenger to Makkah with an urgent request to cover the area of
danger. The result of this was the mustering of a powerful army.
Q. 11: How strong was the Makkan army?
Ans: The Makkan army consisted of about 1000 armoured soldiers, 700 camels and
over 100 horses.

Islamic Studies Department

Pakistan International School Jubail

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