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Final Reflection

TO: Didi Asiya

FROM: Eliana McDonald
DATE: 12/5/2023
SUBJECT: Final reflection for ENGL-2210

This memorandum will dive into the knowledge I gained from the ENGL-2210 Professional and Technical

Communication course. It will cover how I was able to relate my course work to each of the 9 student learning

outcomes outlined as a focus for this class. This memorandum will also highlight how I can apply my knowledge

from this course to my future career. It is important to note that although this course was a requirement of my degree

program, it piqued my interest, and I knew it would be applicable to my future career as a Speech Language


In the very beginning of this course, we began to explore the project planning outcome. I learned the importance of

research in planning for technical documents and the importance of having an outline or plan for each of your

works. This project planning outcome will be an asset to my future career as I will have to contribute to many

individualized education plans, and I will have to prioritize planning of my writings to make sure that I am

contributing beneficial pieces of feedback to the documents. Project analysis was the second outcome that we

explored within project one, I learned the importance of compiling your work based on how the audience will

receive it. This will be super helpful when I am creating lesson plans for my students attending speech therapy

sessions. I must be sure I am creating lesson content that will be best received by them. The last outcome focused on

during project one was content management. Through this outcome I learned that prioritizing organization in your

content is very important as well as being able to translate your content into different mediums when necessary. I

know that some of my lessons may not work for all my students so, I will have to make modifications. Perhaps I will

present something that was supposed to be a writing activity as something more hands on for the student to best

receive the information.

In project two the focuses were organizational design, written communication and visual communication. Pertaining

to organizational design, I focused a lot on researching in order to be sure I was creating the best design for the
project. I feel that I can do this in my future career and refer to multiple resources when creating content so that it is

well organized and designed. When it comes to written and visual communication, I know from this course that both

of these are very crucial to technical documents. I will have to focus on both written and visual information and may

have to deliver them alone or in combination to best suit my audience.

In project three, the outcomes include reviewing and editing, content management and production/delivery. During

project three, I learned that reviewing and editing can be a complicated task. I know from this project that edits and

reviewing are most effective when I complete it in small chunks. I will apply this to my career by ensuring I have

ample time to complete edits and reviews so that I will have the best final product. In project three, content

management helped me learn the importance of organization. I will carry this to my future career and remind myself

that being organized from the very beginning is the best way to achieve your goals for your work. Lastly, we

focused on production and delivery, this will be most applicable to my academic career. I learned how to translate

my knowledge into different media modes and how those can be tedious tasks that I may want to carve out some

extra time for.

Overall, the outcomes focused on during this course will serve me in many ways. I will take this knowledge and

apply it to both a professional and educational setting throughout my future. I look forward to being able to apply

this knowledge in real life settings and am grateful for all this course has taught me.

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