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Combat Task: Intimidate Foe (AWE )

All close combat attacks aimed at you gain (1d).

Your attack rolls gain (1d).
Close Combat
Close Combat
Close Combat


No advantage or disadvantage.
Ranged Combat
Combat Task: Protect Companion (BATTLE )

Combat Task: Rally Comrades (ENHEARTEN )

All close combat attacks aimed at you lose (1d).

(For each Player-hero in Rearward there must be
at least two other Adventurers in close combat stances
Your attack rolls lose (1d) for each opponent engaging you.
AND enemies can’t outnumber Adventurers by more than 2:1)
Can only attack with, and be targeted by, ranged weapons.
Combat Task: Prepare Shot (SCAN )
Journey Event: roll AWARENESS

In charge of keeping watch.

In charge of setting up camp, opening new trails.

In charge of finding food in the wild.

Journey Event: roll EXPLORE

Journey Event: roll HUNTING


(There can be only one Guide)

In charge of all decisions

concerning route, rest, and supplies.
Marching Test: roll TRAVEL

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