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Short Activity: FOR

Instruction: Underline the write type of use of “for” in each sentences.

1. Miss Samantha takes her medicines seriously for her health to get better.

( purpose, ownership, definition,)

2. I am working very hard for my family.

( purpose, ownership, definition,)

3. To share is for showing kindness and goodness with others.

( purpose, ownership, definition,)

4. I need to study very well for myself to improve my intelligence.

( purpose, ownership, definition,)

5. I bought two beddings for my bed.

( purpose, ownership, definition,)

6. Shana is celebrating with her friends for graduating in college.

( purpose, ownership, definition,)

7. For example, John will write the first paragraph and you will be writing

( purpose, ownership, definition, to show example)

Short Activity: WITH

Instruction: Underline the write type of use of “with” in each sentences.

1. I am baking bread and cakes with Yojan.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

2. Dex is going to go for a walk in the park with his dog.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

3. The pink notebook should be paired with a pink ball pen.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

4. Never in a million times would I be unsure with my feelings for you.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

5. I am scared because I am with the snake in the house.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

6. Why do I have the feeling that I will be disappointed with my own decision?

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

7. I am with Emily and Jan at Manila.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

8. If you want to work online, a laptop with noise cancelling headphones

should be required.
(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership)

9. I should eat my beef steak with a knife and fork.

(person, animals, things, self-possessions/ownership, food with things )

Short Activity: ON

Instruction: Underline the write type of use of “with” in each sentences.

1. I will put my notebooks on the table.

( placement, days, dates, holidays)

2. Jacky makes sure that her jewelries are placed on her chair.
( placement, days, dates, holidays)

3. Smith is going to go home in Hokkaido on Friday.

( placement, days, dates, holidays)

4. I want to make sure that I will have a break on November 1, 2023.

( placement, days, dates, holidays)

5. Jan and Kiko will get married on April 15, 2023.

( placement, days, dates, holidays)

6. Muhammad is going to Dubai on Ramadan.

(placement, days, dates, holidays)

7. We would like to give Justin an Iphone as a gift on Christmas.

(placement, days, dates, holidays)
Instruction: Make 3-5 sample sentences for the following prepositions: On,
For, and With.

Note: For each of the prepositions which you are going to use, you may choose
what specific purpose it may fall.

Ex: On (Placement)
Sentence: I left my bag on the desk.



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