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Here's a presentation format summarizing the principles of general hermeneutics:

Slide 1: Introduction

- Title: Principles of General Hermeneutics

- Briefly explain that general hermeneutics is the study of interpretation principles applied to various

Slide 2: Interpretive Context

- Principle 1: Interpretive Context

- Define interpretive context as the historical, cultural, social, and linguistic factors that shape the
meaning of a text.

- Emphasize the importance of understanding the context in which a text is written and interpreted.

Slide 3: Pre-understanding

- Principle 2: Pre-understanding

- Define pre-understanding as the preconceptions, biases, and assumptions that interpreters bring to the

- Highlight the need for self-reflection and openness to alternative perspectives.

Slide 4: Dialogue and Fusion of Horizons

- Principle 3: Dialogue and Fusion of Horizons

- Explain that interpretation involves a dynamic dialogue between the text and the interpreter.

- Describe the fusion of horizons, where the interpreter's background interacts with the text to create
new meaning.

Slide 5: Hermeneutic Circle

- Principle 4: Hermeneutic Circle

- Define the hermeneutic circle as the interplay between the parts and the whole of a text.

- Explain that understanding the parts helps comprehend the whole, and vice versa.
Slide 6: Intention and Meaning

- Principle 5: Intention and Meaning

- Emphasize that while the author's intention is important, meaning is constructed through the
interaction of the author, text, and reader.

- Highlight the role of the reader's interpretation in the meaning-making process.

Slide 7: Language and Semiotics

- Principle 6: Language and Semiotics

- Explain that language is a primary tool for communication and interpretation.

- Discuss the importance of understanding linguistic structures, symbols, and signs within a text.

Slide 8: Critical Reflection

- Principle 7: Critical Reflection

- Highlight the significance of questioning assumptions, challenging dominant interpretations, and

considering alternative perspectives.

- Emphasize that critical reflection fosters a deeper understanding of the text.

Slide 9: Application

- Principle 8: Application

- Explain that hermeneutics involves applying the insights gained from interpretation to real-life

- Discuss the importance of connecting the message of the text to contemporary contexts and
addressing ethical, moral, or practical implications.

Slide 10: Conclusion

- Summarize the key principles of general hermeneutics.

- Highlight the dynamic and complex nature of interpretation.

- Encourage further exploration and application of these principles.

This presentation format provides a concise overview of the principles of general hermeneutics. You can
add more slides or expand on each principle based on your specific needs and audience.

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