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One of the things that worries people most nowadays is the internet. In the
last couple of years, it has benn constantly expanding and has become the most
important thing in a business nowadays. As the internet is still quite new, people
are skeptical about it and thing it is not a good ideea to have ulimited acces to
it. Here are some reasons why the internet is not as bad as people think.
Firstly, the internet is a good way of learning new information as you can
find anything, anytime, al you need is a stable connection.It is filled with
different sites, about different topics, wrote by different people.
Secondly, There is a large variety of content that is waiteing to be explored.
From book reviews to sport clothes, from cooking shows to tutorials, the
possibilities are endless.
Lastly, the interet is also filled with dangerous people that want to harm
you. Be carefull who you share your private information with because you do not
know who is hiding behind that screen.
In conclusion, the internet is very imortant in our lives and i could not
imagine how the world would look if it did not exist. It has helped people grow and
evolve a lot in the last few years.


Pompeii is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. It is
a perfect snapshot of a city in ancient Rome, created by the ash from the eruption
of mount Vezuvius. Here are some reasons why you should visit this wonderful place:
Firstly, mount Vezuvius exploded in 79 a.d., killing almost every resident of
Pompeii and covering the city in a thick layer of ash and dust, preserving it and
the people as they were at the time of the explosion. Now, people can see the
people, the houses, the animals in a very good state, given the conditions they
have survived.
Secondly, Pompeii is also near Napoli, the city were pizza was invented. After
you visit the archeological site, you can take a 20 minute car ride to the city and
enjoy a fresh slice of delicious pizza.
In conclusion, I think you should visit Pompeii and the region of Amalfi
because of the beautiful scenery and the wonderful historical sites, just a few
steps away from your hotel.

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