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JASIS, Jasper Barredo

GEC 001 – CE21S3

1. What are three ways in which college campuses (Core Case Study) are employing
upcycling by expanding their beneficial environmental impacts?

- Sustainable development is one of the most important way one can protect environment
and improve the living standards. Its goal is to use the resources in the optimized manner
and not to overexploit it along with keeping in mind the future generations. It offers one
to best path for improving the standard of people everywhere and also takes into
consideration the preservation of resources. But human activities are totally contradicting
this concept and are not working to protect the earth and environment.

2. What are three ways in which you could do this in daily life?

Three ways by which one can upcycle by expanding beneficial environmental are:

1) Using the solar energy panels which are capable enough to provide 30% of more
electricity than what the building uses, and adoption for underground geothermal well for
heating and cooling of building.
2) Encouraging to have some ecovillages in campus which makes the use of solar panels,
solar heating, and filtered rainwater.
3) One can practice and encourage to do recycling, reusing, and composting approximately
75% of solid waste generated.

In our daily lives we can practice three measures which are as follows:

1) In our daily lives we can practice doing recycling and compositing our biodegradable
waste from the kitchen which aids in a better and cleaner environment.
2) Shifting to renewable source of energy such as installing rooftop solar panels at homes to
serve purpose of heating and electricity.
3) Practicing rainwater harvesting at homes, and the collected water can be used for
washing, gardening and cleaning purpose.

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