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In the context of the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), the interrelation of self-efficacy,

outcome expectations, and goals is influenced by an individual's level of awareness. Here's how
these components are interconnected with respect to awareness:
1. Self-Efficacy and Awareness:
 Explanation: An individual's self-efficacy is influenced by their belief in their
ability to perform tasks and achieve goals. The level of awareness comes into
play as individuals assess and become conscious of their skills, strengths, and
 Interconnection: A person's self-awareness, or understanding of their own
capabilities and competencies, directly influences their self-efficacy beliefs.
Higher self-awareness can lead to more accurate assessments of one's abilities,
contributing to higher self-efficacy.
2. Outcome Expectations and Awareness:
 Explanation: Outcome expectations involve anticipating the consequences of
actions. Awareness in this context relates to an individual's understanding of the
potential outcomes associated with different choices and actions.
 Interconnection: The level of awareness about potential outcomes is critical in
shaping outcome expectations. Individuals who are more aware of the potential
positive or negative consequences of their choices are likely to have more
informed outcome expectations.
3. Goals and Awareness:
 Explanation: Goals in SCCT represent individuals' career aspirations and
objectives. Awareness in this context refers to an individual's understanding of
their own values, interests, and long-term career objectives.
 Interconnection: Self-awareness plays a crucial role in goal setting. A person's
awareness of their values and interests guides the establishment of meaningful
and realistic career goals. Clear self-awareness contributes to the alignment of
goals with personal values and aspirations.
In summary, the interrelation of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goals in SCCT is
intricately connected to an individual's level of awareness. Higher levels of self-awareness lead
to more accurate self-efficacy beliefs, informed outcome expectations, and the establishment of
meaningful and achievable career goals. A well-informed and self-aware individual is more likely
to make decisions aligned with their abilities, expectations, and aspirations in the pursuit of a
fulfilling career.

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