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November and December Formal ASB Meeting

Gia Grewal

December 11th, 2023

ASB Administrative Assistant


Position Assessment:

November is a little more calm but still a hectic month for leadership. As always, I have

been consistent in checking in with Davina and signing paperwork. Also, this month I believe I

have done a better job in communicating with the other admins in the program. There are some

who do require more attention than others, but I do try my best to mentor the admins in order for

success in their position.

To kick off Dude Be Nice, I helped the junior officer team by cutting out leaves, putting

them up on the windows, and I took all of the leaves down from the windows after Dude Be Nice

was over. During the Dude Be Nice Rally, I also helped give candy to Mr. Herrin.

During Dude Be Nice week My intent was also selling bracelets to promote the kindness

and purpose of the event and I helped make, sell, and advertise the event.

I also helped payton create origami butterflies for the residents of Bethany Homes and I

wrote a letter for one of the residents. I enjoyed this act of community service as it was more

heartfelt and thoughtful.

Next, I was given the opportunity to be in charge of a CASL group this year so I

organized a thorough brainstorm plan for our Core Principles article. I made sure to

communicate with my members and our article was a success. Also, I had the amazing

opportunity to write a CASL essay from my point of view and it allowed me to express opinions

not often seen or heard around campus.

I have also been meeting with the Mental Health Advocates in order to finalize our pages

and designs. This journal has a lot of potential and a lot of thought has been put into making this

journal accessible and effective for our readers.

One of the promises in leadership is to be an involved individual so I have been trying

my best to be involved on campus. For instance, I helped plan the Ruby Bridges walk alongside

the other officers in the Multicultural club. I brought a table for the walk and I spoke at the event

about our guest speakers. Since I will be taking on the club next year I want to make sure that I

am fully trained for events like the Ruby Bridges walk and through my experience in leadership I

know the detailed procedure methods in order to attain success.

Regarding the Winter Formal, I donated two packs of water bottles and I helped to clean

up after the dance. There was a small mishap regarding the lights so I contacted Emme and Mrs.

Ochoa and we handled the situation without disrupting the dance.

For the week of Warm and Fuzzy I have been dressing up every day. I also met with

Aiyana separately so that we could diligently decorate the posters for the teachers which go on

their doors. I decorated Mr. Mayfields, Mr. Mussemans, and Senor Saenz’s poster. Aiayan and I

both put up our posters on Monday morning. For this week I also attended the night rally for

Warm and Fuzzy. I helped set up for the dance and I helped clean up. We used my Christmas

tree for our holiday tree and I helped set it up and decorate the tree. I also created the designs for

our lemonade stand and helped decorate it, and it turned out to look amazing.

During this week I also had a meeting with Mr. Rangel to remind him to finish the CASL

application. I informed Mr. Rangel about how Kyoto influenced inclusivity and positivity on


On my own time I have also been working on my elder project and progressing. I want

this to be an impactful and meaningful presentation. My fundraiser is now fully planned out and

I am now creating my presentation. I turned in my request for the fundraiser and now am

working on my presentation.

Special Committee:

Some special committees I am a part of are My Intent, The Mental Health Advocate, and

the Bethany Home committee.

For My Intent, I have helped distribute the bracelets, sell bracelets, and make bracelets. I

met with Sofia and we created publicity as well as organized days to distribute and sell bracelets

among our trainees.

I contributed to the Bethany Homes Community Service committee by writing a card to

one of the residents and I helped Payton fold butterflies.

The mental health committee has also met up a few times. In our meetings we have

discussed what we would like our chapter to be and we’ve completed our write for our chapter

introduction. At our last meeting we also discussed working on page designs for each chapter

and also revising our chapter introductions. A final draft has been printed and it looks amazing!

Standing Committee

The standing committee that I am a part of is Link Crew. Next week is study buddy night so I

will be there every night and help out any students if needed as well as studying for classes


Mentorship Evaluation

I really enjoy mentoring Aiyana! She has a bright and loving soul that it’s so easy to be friends

with her. Recently Aiyana and I went to lunch together. I learned more about what she would

like to do next year, and I’ll leave it a secret for now in case she changes her mind. She also

came to my house and we decorated our posters for the door decorations together. We have

almost the same taste in music and it’s so amazing. I learn something new about her almost

everyday and I hope the same occurs for Aiyana. I genuinely enjoy mentoring Aiyana and I

cannot wait for our future in leadership together.


I have been seeing teamwork issues in leadership in which one member takes control of all the

work and doesn’t delegate other tasks to the members. Although there is some communication,

the work isn’t being dispersed properly. I have seen this among the freshmen and the link crew

and renaissance committee. It pains me to see one member ignoring the rest of their team. I think

it would be best for each of them to have a meeting to truly discuss their concerns and

communicate their feelings.

Positive Comment:

I’d love to give my positive comment to the Junior Officer team this month. I have seen what

they have been doing behind the scenes and in front of them these past few months and they’ve

put in so much effort for their events. Dude Be Nice was an amazing experience for both the

staff and the students. The week of appreciation was well thought out and MyIntent also loved to

be selling bracelets then. The rally was also amazing and inclusive as most clubs we able to gift

Mr. Herrin. Thank you guys!

Core Principles:

These foundational principles deeply resonate with me, shaping my perspectives and actions

across various aspects of life. The notion of "Be impeccable" underscores the vital role of

integrity and consistency in both my words and actions, urging me to maintain alignment with

my values and commitments. "Your Puzzle Piece Matters" highlights the importance of

individuality and diversity, reminding me of the unique contributions each person brings to any

endeavor. I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment that recognizes and values these

differences. "The Beacon of Empowerment" motivates me to serve as a source of support and

encouragement, particularly in challenging times, guiding others toward their goals and

empowering them to realize their full potential. Lastly, "Evolve and Grow with Change"

underscores the necessity of adaptability, encouraging me to embrace change as an avenue for

personal development and continuous learning. These core principles act as my guiding force,

steering me toward a path of authenticity, inclusivity, support, and ongoing growth.

My Impact:

My impact this month was being more genuine and intuitive. In my job position I have been

trying to reach out to the admins and mentor them so that they are more prepared for their jobs

next year. Also in class, I have been participating more and getting involved in committees such

as the Bethany homes community service committee organized by Payton. Outside of Leadership

I am also involved in clubs on campus. I helped plan the Ruby Bridges walk, I spoke and walked

with everyone the day of the walk. I am also involved in clubs like scrubs club, environmental

advocacy club, csf, girls league, and red cross club. I bought candy grams from csf and I

attended the red cross halloween party. In being a student I always try my best to be more

inclusive among the students around myself. My goal this month was to make a day for at least 3

people; I was successful.

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