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Heidi VanderVere <hvandervere@nssd112.


IT PTO News: Week of December 11, 2023

1 message

Indian Trail PTO <> Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 11:09 AM

Reply-To: Indian Trail PTO <>

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Weekly Updates: December 11, 2023

Please check the home page of for the most up to date information.

Thank You! Family Focus Gift Drive

A huge THANK YOU to the families that participated in the Family Focus Gift Drive for
your generous support. Together more than 175 presents were donated, fulfilling 50
children's wish lists!

Family Bingo Night This Thursday!

Current Indian Trail families are invited to stop by for a few rounds of bingo anytime
between 6:30 and 8:00pm. Spend time with friends, eat a snack, and maybe win a prize!

Parking and space is limited. Please plan to stay for ~30 minutes and then open up your
chairs for other guests. This event is free of charge.

Volunteer for Bingo - We Need Your Help!

Indian Trail Staff Only: Sign up to be a bingo caller HERE

Eat at BYG Before or After Bingo
Backyard Grill has graciously offered to donate 20% of their sales throughout the day on
December 14th, including lunchtime orders, so long as Indian Trail is mentioned in the
comments when ordering online or at the register.

Special Hanukkah menu available!

From Our Friends at the 112 Foundation

Good luck to Indian Trail students this weekend as they compete against other D112
teams at the 112 Education Foundation's Robot Revolution Tournament!

IT PTO is providing lunch for robotics students and staff sponsors as they work hard to
represent our school. Happy coding!

Winter Greenhouse Help Needed

The Organic Gardener won't be working in the Greenhouse over the winter this year, but
there is still maintenance work to be done. We are looking for a few volunteers to help
with some small tasks as the weather allows.

Full Details and Sign Up HERE

How Does the PTO Gift for the Holidays?

Every year our PTO uses funds collected from your generous membership dues and
other fundraisers to purchase a winter break gift for every staff member in the building.
We choose this over collecting money for classroom gifts because we like the inclusivity
of gifting all teachers and support staff.

Some individual parents choose to supplement what the PTO provides with their own
personal gifts, but please know our hospitality team does provide a small gift to all staff
members to celebrate the start of winter break!
Quick Links

Order Lunch Solutions

IT PTO November Meeting Minutes

Submit Yearbook Photos

Purchase Memberships, Yearbooks, & More

Latest Trail Tales Principal Newsletter

IT PTO Website

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, December 12
6:30p Finance Committee Meeting
7:00p Regular Board Meeting
Thursday, December 14
6:30p Indian Trail Family Bingo Night
Thursday, December 21
Early Release
Friday, December 22
Winter Break-No Student Attendance
Saturday, December 23
Winter Break-No Student Attendance
Sunday, December 24
Winter Break-No Student Attendance
Monday, December 25
Winter Break-No Student Attendance
Tuesday, December 26
Winter Break-No Student Attendance
Wednesday, December 27
Winter Break-No Student Attendance

Thank You Website Sponsors!

Indian Trail PTO

2075 Saint Johns Avenue

Highland Park IL 60035

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