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Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and participants, a very pleasant
morning to each and every one of you. Today, we gather here for a purposeful and
enlightening event that is sure to leave a lasting impact on all of us. I am your host for
this event, Kathy Regidor Banda, and I am truly honored to be here as we embark on a
journey of our growth and inspiration.
Before we delve into the heart of our program, I kindly request everyone to rise. Let us
begin by acknowledging the presence of the divine Father through a Prayer, to be
followed by our national anthem and DDOSC hymn. Please direct your attention to the
screen for the audiovisual presentation.
Emcee: Thank you, everyone. Please be seated.
It is my distinct pleasure to kick off our program by inviting a remarkable individual
whose dedication and commitment to education have been an inspiration to all of us.
Please give a warm welcome to our SAS Section Head, the ever gorgeous and stunning
Ms. Kei D. Inansugan, as she delivers the opening remarks. Let’s give her a round of
Emcee: Thank you, Ms. Kei, for those insightful words. Truly, we are setting the stage
for an event that holds the promise of transformation and growth. And now, to introduce
our esteemed speaker for today's session, a person who exemplifies the very essence of
compassionate leadership, may I call in Ms. Shina Fe Marie Traña.
Emcee: Thank you, Mr. Dela Torre, for sharing your profound insights with us. Now, as
we pause for a brief intermission to nourish both our minds and bodies, we invite you to
partake in our delectable lunch spread.
Emcee: I trust everyone enjoyed their lunch and is now recharged for the second half of
our program. Our journey continues as we explore the theme of "Reflective Leadership."
Once again, we have the honor of having Mr. Rizalino O. Dela Torre to guide us in this
enlightening discussion.
Emcee: Thank you, Mr. Dela Torre, for expanding our horizons with your thought-
provoking presentation. Now, it's time to engage in an open forum. This is your
opportunity to ask questions, seek clarifications, and engage in meaningful conversations
with our distinguished speaker.
Emcee: Thank you for your active participation in the open forum. Your curiosity and
engagement truly enhance the richness of this event. As we draw this day to a close, we
have a special moment to recognize the dedication and commitment shown by the
participant. We will now proceed to the giving of certificates.
Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, friends and colleagues, as we conclude our first day of the
"Transcending Quality Student Leaders: Transforming Passion into Impactful Action"
Leadership Training and Workshop, I want to express my sincere gratitude to each one of
you for being a part of this transformative experience. Tomorrow, we will gather once
again to continue our journey of learning and growth. Until then, have a restful evening,
and I look forward to seeing you all bright and early. This concludes the Leadership
Training and Workshop. Safe travels to everyone, and let us all make a difference in the
Thank you and have a wonderful evening!

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