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NREMT Practice Test Bank - Multiple Choice

• A:float a buoyant backboard un- out. Open the patient's airway, without
der him, remove him from the manipulating the neck, and begin rescue
pond, and begin rescue breath- breathing while still in the water. Float
ing. a buoyant backboard under the patient,
• B:move him to a supine position secure him to it, and remove him from
by rotating the entire upper half the water. After removing the victim from
of his body as a single unit. the water, assess for a pulse. If the victim
• C:stabilize his head as you re- is pulseless, begin CPR, dry him off, and
move it from the water and open apply the AED as soon as possible.
his airway by tilting his head
• D:grab him by his clothing, re-
move him from the pond, and as-
sess for breathing and a pulse.

27. Which of the following patients You selected A; This is correct!

with diabetes is the BEST candi-
date for oral glucose? Reason:Oral glucose is indicated for pa-
• A:A confused patient who has tients with diabetes who are in insulin
cool, clammy skin shock (hypoglycemic crisis), or for any
• B:A semiconscious patient with patient with symptomatic hypoglycemia
pale, clammy skin (as documented by glucometer). The
• C:An unresponsive patient who patient must be conscious and alert
took too much insulin enough to be able to swallow the glu-
• D:A confused patient with sus- cose, which comes in a tube of gel. If the
pected hyperglycemia patient is unresponsive or otherwise un-
able to swallow the glucose, you should
provide rapid transport, providing the ap-
propriate airway management en route,
and consider an ALS intercept.

28. A 40-year-old woman presents You selected C; This is correct!

with widespread hives that she
noticed about 45 minutes af- Reason:The patient is experiencing an
ter taking penicillin. She is con- allergic reaction, but she is not in ana-
scious and alert and denies phylactic shock. Urticaria (hives) is com-
difficulty breathing. Her breath mon to all allergic reactions, regardless
sounds are clear to auscultation of severity; however, wheezing and hy-
bilaterally, her vital signs are sta- potension, which she does not have, are

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