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NREMT Practice Test Bank - Multiple Choice

but not eating or taking insulin and ex-

ercising heavily. Eating a meal after tak-
ing insulin typically does not cause a
significant change in the patient's blood
glucose level. If a person fails to take his
or her insulin, glucose will not be able to
enter the cell and will accumulate in the
bloodstream (hyperglycemia).

74. A 44-year-old woman was bitten You selected B; This is correct!

on the ankle by an unidentified
snake while working in her gar- Reason:Given the fact that the snake
den. She is conscious and alert, was not identified, you should assume
has stable vital signs, and denies that it was poisonous. Furthermore, the
shortness of breath. Her only presence of puncture wounds, burning,
complaint is a burning sensation redness, and swelling are suggestive
at the wound site. Your assess- of envenomation. Therefore, you should
ment reveals two small puncture provide emergency care and transport
wounds, redness, and swelling. the patient to the hospital. Treatment for
You should: a snake bite involves keeping the pa-
• A:conclude that envenomation tient calm, administering oxygen, splint-
likely did not occur, provide re- ing the affected extremity to decrease
assurance, and allow a friend to movement (helps slow the spread of
take her to the hospital. venom), keeping the extremity below the
• B:give supplemental oxygen, level of the heart, and transporting the
splint her leg to decrease move- patient to the hospital. Do NOT apply
ment, and keep her leg below the ice to a snake bite; it may constrict the
level of her heart. blood vessels and force venom further
• C:elevate her leg, cover the into the bloodstream. The use of a prox-
wound with a dry sterile dress- imal constricting band is controversial; if
ing, and apply an ice pack to re- one is used, it should be loose, not tight.
duce pain and swelling. En route to the hospital, monitor the pa-
• D:administer high-flow oxygen, tient's vital signs and mental status, and
apply a constricting band prox- be alert for vomiting.
imal to the bite, and use ice to
prevent venom spread.

75. A 34-year-old female complains You selected A; This is correct!

of persistent fever, fatigue, and

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