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NREMT Practice Test Bank - Multiple

particularly the knees, occurs. If recog-
nized and treated promptly with antibi-
otics, many patients recover completely.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which is
not limited to the Rocky Mountains, oc-
curs within 7 to 10 days after being bitten
by an infected tick. Its symptoms include
nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness,
paralysis, and possibly cardiopulmonary

15. A 50-year-old woman who is con- You selected B; This is correct!

scious and alert complains of a Reason:Patients with migraine or cluster
severe migraine headache. When headaches typically have photophobia
caring for her, you should gener- (light sensitivity). Any type of bright light,
ally avoid: especially if shone directly into the eyes,
• A:transporting her in a supine will cause the patient with a headache
position. unnecessary severe pain. Dimming the
• B:shining a light into her pupils. lights in the ambulance and making the
• C:dimming the lights in the am- patient as comfortable as possible are
bulance. the treatments of choice for a patient
• D:applying ice packs to her fore- with a headache. Some patients benefit
head. from ice packs applied to the forehead;
just be sure to wrap the ice pack with
roller gauze. Oxygen also should be ad-
ministered as needed. Typically, the pa-
tient will prefer to lie supine or on the

16. A patient who overdosed on The correct answer is C;

heroin would be expected to pre-
sent with: Reason:Heroin is a Schedule I (illegal)
• A:tachycardia. narcotic that is typically injected. As with
• B:hyperpnea. all narcotics, legal or illegal, overdose
• C:hypotension. causes depression of the central ner-
• D:dilated pupils. vous system (CNS), resulting in a de-
creased level of consciousness; brady-
cardia; hypotension; and slow, shallow
(reduced tidal volume) breathing. Hy-

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