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Topic 15

Reproduction in human
Part 1
Reproductive systems

Dr. Nihal Gabr

Male reproductive system

Label and function seminalFluid .

Alkaline pH


x x

1. Testes : produce sperm cells and testosterone ' somenf~asrs.rsfluid

2. Epididymis : storage to the sperm cells till time of ejaculation
3. Scrotum : protect the testes from physical damage , keep the testes at cooler temperature than body by 2 to 3
C to allow development of sperm
4. Vas deference / sperm duct : transport the sperm cells from the epididymis to the urethra by peristalsis
5. Seminal vesicle and prostate gland : they produce the seminal fluid ( provide nutrients for the sperm to stay
alive , medium for swimming of sperm , alkaline ph to neutralize the acidity of the vagina) where the sperm with
seminal fluid form semen
Urethra : carry semen from the sperm duct to tip of the penis ,and carries the urine out of the body
They never mix ;;;;;;there are rings of muscles close during sexual inter course to ensure that no chance for
urine and semen to get mixed ,, they never get out of the urethra at same time .

Suggest what happen if there is a reduction in duameter of urethra

Pain and difficulty in urination and ejaculation

Increase risk of bladder infection
Label and stating the function
Female reproductive system

1. Ovary : production of egg cell ( ovum) i.e site of ovulation

Production pf oestrogen ( female sex hormone)

2. Oviduct : site of fertilisation

Move down egg / zygote to the uterus by peristalsis
and beating of cilia

3. Uterus : implantation of embryo

Site of growth and development of the embryo into fetus
4. Cervix : muscular ring close during pregnancy to the baby in
place while dilates and open at birth time to pass the baby out.

birth canal
5. Vagina : site of coopulation. And sperm deposition as well as

Egg Sperm

haploid nucleus

jellylike structure .
Jpg Acrosome .

cytoplasm with Flagellum Middle head
Food storage part
many mitochondria
haploid nucleus .

Cell membrane .

Smaller in size
Larger in size
No flagellum
No acrosome
Less dense cytoplasm with no food storage
Dense cytoplasm with large food storage
No Jelly like layer
Jelly like layer
Has X-or Y chromosome in the haploid nucleus
Has only X-chromosome in the haploid nucleus

Non motile Motile

Move by cilia un oviduct Move by flagellum
One per month Many per ejaculation
Part 2
Menstrual cycle

Dr. NIhal Gabr

Male : testosterone released from testes
Female : oestrogen released from the ovary

Responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics

Boys: voice deepens, shoulder widens, testes stimulated to start ' producing sperm cells , facial hair

Girls : hips widen , menstruations start , breast develops, ovaries release egg cells.

Common in both girls and boys : hair grown in arm pits , and in pubic regions , growth spurt ( sudden faste
rate of growth) , body smells increase .
Menstrual cycle

This is a cycle that last 28 days involving changes in

Uterus lining FSH
Progesterone And Ovary
Controlled by 4 hormones LH

Inhibit Inhibit

FSH Stimulate the
LHStimulate the
Stimulate the release release release

Target Ovary Uterus lining Ovary Uterus lining

Function 1. Development 1.stimulate the

of follicle to v release of the egg
from ovary into
maturation of 1. Build up uterus the oviduct to be 1. Maintain the
lining To be ready for
an egg thickness of uterus
ready for fertilisation. lining to be ready for
2. Stimulate
implantation. 2. Stimulate implantation
release of
2. Stimulate the release of 2. Inhibit the release
oestrogen release of LH progesterone of LH and FSH

Site of production Pituitary gland

Ovary Pituitary gland
1. FSH Corpus Luteum

Thickness of
Uterus lining Follicle 3.LH Corpus Luteum Corpus Luteum
Yellow body
continue to
4 . Progesterone
2. Oestrogen ne for the
A) maintain the thickness of uterus lining first 3
A) increase the
thickness of uterus to be ready for implantation months of
Level of Breaking down pregnancy
lining to be ready for B) inhibit the release of FSH ( preventing
progesterone of uterus lining implantation . maturation of another egg) .
and ( bleeding) B) stimulate the
Inhibit the release of LH ( preventing
oestrogen release of LH
MENSTRUATIONS release of another egg)
drops C) Inhibit the release
of FSH

1. 4. 14. 28. Days

1. FSH : released from the pituitary glans during the 3. LH released from the pituitary gland
early days of the menstrual cycle A) stimulate the ovulation which involves the release of the
A) stimulate the development of a follicle to allow egg from the ovary into the oviduct to be ready for
maturation of an egg fertilsation
B) stimulate the release of oestrogen / follicle release B) change the follicle into corpus luteum which will secrete
the oestrogen the progesterone

936 .

i i. ¥:*
How to calculate the fertile period

Period during which if sexual intercourse take place, then pregnancy is more likely to happen
Sperm …3 days
Egg survive for 2 days - survival days of + survival days
11 14 16
sperm of the egg

Production date egg ; 9/9/2021
survive 3
Expiry date of egg : 11/ 9/ 2021

Sperm 6/9/2021

Day 1 period was 5/1 /2022

Ovulation date ; 19/1/2022
Fertile period ( sperm survive 2 days / egg surv
Part 3

DR. Nihal Gabr

1 Bleeding ( menstruation) 2 Repair of the uterus lining 3 Ovulation
From day 1 to 4 up to 6 days Oestrogen Stimulated by LH
From day 4 to 13 Day 14 release of the egg from the ovary
into the oviduct ..

66. Implantation of the embryo in the Zygote Divide by 55. Fertilsation 4. Sexual
uterus lining mitosis form a ball of intercourse during
Placenta By fusion of male and female nuclei
cells called embryo

fertile period


Uterus lining
( specialisation )
more than Sperm reach the egg in the oviduct ……acrosome
7 growth release enzymes that dissolve the jelly like structure
7. Placenta formation
To allow exchange of materials around the egg …head enters leaving the tail outside …
with fetus ( between mother egg will form a fertilsation membrane to prevent any
and fetus)
Fetus …more further entry of another sperm …then male and female
growth than
nuclei ( haploid nuclei ) fuse and form a zygote ( diploid)
early days

8. Birth 9. Breast feeding
10. Contraception
Growth which involves increase in number of cells is
happening all the time at all stages
and development which involves increase in complexity
involving differentiation and specialisation happens in all
Still more development in early stages
More growth in late stages
77. Placenta formation
To allow exchange of materials Adaptations :
with fetus ( between mother Has finger like projections ( chorionic villi ) ..provide
and fetus) Mother’s blood
large surface for exchange of substances between
fetus and mother

Oxygenated blood 1. Allow exchange of substances between mother

umbilical .

✗ vein
( a
and the fetus …such as glucose FROM THE
MOTHER TO THE FETUS , and waste products
Lungs such as urea from Fetus to mother
↳ a 2. ACT AS A BARRIER preventing
Deoxygenated blood
Umbilical A) . Reduce risk of passage of pathogens from
✗ artery mother to fetus
B) mixing of different blood groups that might
cause clotting
C) protect delicate blood vessels of the baby from
high blood pressure of mother
3. Secrete progesterone to miantain the thickness
of uterus lining and prevent uterine contraction
( last 6 months of pregnancy ) .
4. Transfer antibodies from mother to fetus
( passive immunity )
7 b) . Umbilical chord

Join the fetus with the placenta

Contain blood vessels ( arteries and veins) to take away CO2 and urea from fetus to
And deliver oxygen and nutrients ( glucose ) from mother to fetus

Umbilical artery ( deoxygenated blood ) from fetus to mother

Umbilical vein ( oxygenated blood ) from mother to fetus

7c) . Amniotic sac :

Secrete amniotic fluid
1. Mechanical shock absorber
2. Prevent temperature fluctuations
3. Allow baby to practice movement
4. Provide sterile environment for fetus and collect fetal waste
8 Birth

1. Labour pain

Contraction of uterus muscular wall

Cervix dilates and open
Amniotic sac will rupture
Amniotic fluid released out through vagina


Contraction of uterus muscular wall continue

Push the baby’s head out through the vagina

3. After BIRTH

Once the baby starts breathing ….tie and

cut the Umbilical cord …placenta and the
umbilical cord expelled out through the
9 Breast feeding

Advantages :
1. Provide the baby with the needed nutrients
2. Easy to digest
3. Colostrum is being transferred
With high concentration of antibodies providing passive immunity
4. Increase bonding between mother and the baby
5. Help the mother lose weight
6. Protects against breast cancer
7. Sterile so no risk of infection
8.Suckling has a contraceptive effect

Disadvantages :
1. Transfer viruses such as HIV
2. Painful
3. Stressful and may be embarrassing
4. Mother cant tell exactly the amount of the milk consumed by her baby .
5. Task not shared with other parent
6. Mother may not be able to produce enough milk
Part 4
Infertility treatment

DR. NIhal Gabr

Contraception Birth control

Natural ( rhythmic ) Chemical method Mechanical barrier Surgical

Avoid sexual
intercourse Contraceptive Spermicide IUD /IUS Condoms Femidoms Diaphragm
during the fertile pills IUD inserted in
period Contains Chemical then uetrus by
progesterone and substance doctor Next page
1. Calculations
oestrogen to applied into preventing
2. Slight increase prevent release of the vagina sperm cell from
in body FSH and LH thus usually with reaching the egg
temperature. preventing diaphragm thus preventing
3. Changes in maturation of an to kill the fertilisation
egg/ Ovulation sperm cells
the vaginal IUS ..release
secretions contraceptive
Reliable Unreliable as
hormones to
Causes we have many prevent

Unreliable as not cancer sperm cells implanation of

all females having produced per fertilsed egg

regular period ejaculation

Cause sever
Mechanical barriers Surgical method

Condoms Femidoms Diaphragm

Vasectomy Female sterilsation
Rubber sheath used by Alternative to Inserted in into
Cut and tie
males stopping sperm
condoms but the cervix
cells from getting into Both sperm ducts Tie and cut both
used by
vagina so no sperm can oviducts so that no
Prevent mixing of females in
be ejaculated egg cells can be
different body fluids vagina
Thus good in
passed down the
preventing sexually oviduct to be fertilses
transmitted diseases

Unreliable Unreliable Unreliable

Reliable and
HIV Virus A group of infectious diseases
Causes AIDS ( acquired immuno deficiency syndrome )

↳ Stimulate
③ Phagocyte ….phagocytosis


T lymphocytes B lymphocytes ….release antibodies

How HIV affects the immune system

HIV destroys the T lymphocytes over along period of time

So less stimulation of other types of lymphocytes and phagocytes
So less antibodies released by lymphocytes
No treatment only methods of prevention
Less phagocytosis by phagocytes
Weakening immune system
1. Use of condoms / femidoms to prevent mixing of
So leaving the body prone to infection ….leading to AIDs
body fluids
Transmission 2. Avoid breast feeding for infected mothers
1. Unprotected sexual intercourse
3. Disposable syringe
2. Sharing contaminated needle / syringe 4. Abstinence of sexual intercourse
3. Blood transfusion
4. Mother to fetus through placenta or during birth 5. Checking or heating blood before transfusion .
5. Through breast feeding
Infertility treatment

Causes infertility in men Causes of infertility in a female Hormonal

1. Low sperm count treatment
1. No ovulation
2, sperm are weak and can;t swim efficiently ( FSH and LH)
2. Low FSH and LH
3. Unable to produce sperm cells
3. Oviduct is blocked …
4.Block sperm duct ….. surgery


A Infertility drugs B Infertility drugs then

A) IVF ….invirto fertilsation
1. Inject / take orally drug containing FSH during
B) AI ….artificial insemination
early days of menstrual cycle ……stimulate
development of the follicle and allow maturation of
an egg .
2. By mid of the cycle inject LH …to stimulate
ovulation .
3. Sometime progesterone is given maintain the
thickness of uterus lining in case of implantation of
an embryo and pregnancy .
Artificial insemination)
Why semen is inserted in the uterus and not vagina?

Collect the sperm cells from the donor To increase the chance of fertilsation which
Can be frozen and stored over many months occurs in the oviduct …as the sperm survive
Inserted by a syringe in cervix closer to the uterus only for few days in the oviduct
This is done near the time of ovulation So sperm is less likely to die
Where the egg is more likely to be in the oviduct
Only socially accepted if the donor is husband

IVF ( invitro fertilsation)

Mixing egg cells and sperm cells externally in a petri dish / test tubes
Zygote is allowed to divide by mitosis forming a ball of cells ( embryo)
Many embryos are produced and inserted in the uterus

1. Very expensive
2. May not treat infertility successfully so repeat the process again
3. May lead to multiple birth
4. Allow infertile couple to have children
5. Allow study of embryonic stem cells + allow genetic screening
Same as previous slide
Artificial insemination Invitro Fertilisation

Semen is collected from the donor IVF (EXTERNAL

Can be frozen and stored for many months FERTILISATION) cells

Mixing the eggsand the sperm in atest

The using a syringe insert the semen close to cervix in

uterus tube or a petri dish

Near time of ovulation

@ allowed to divide and

Where the egg is more likely to be in the oviduct • form many embryos

implantation .

Why inserted in uterus not vagina:

To increase the chance of fertilization occuring in oviduct , Implication :
as the sperm can survive for only few days in 1. Very expensive
oviduct , sperm cells are less likely to die 2. Might lead to multiple birth
3. May not treat the infertility successfully
Socially accepted only if the donor is the husband 4. Allow infertile couple to have children
5. Allow study of embryonic stem cells ....yet
ethicaly un accepted
Invitro fertilisation

1. Use infertility drug treatment By mid of cycle ..remove egg from ovary 3. Collect sperm cells from father

4.External fertilisation in a test tube or a petri dish 5. Embryo-are transferred to

And left to divide to form embryo mother’s uterus.
Artificial Insemination
Check list
1. Label and state the function off different parts of the make and female reproductive systems
2. Sperm vs egg in structure and drawing
3. Puberty ( secondary sexual chaacteristics)
4. Menstrual cycle .......
A) role of each hormone ( FSH, LH, Oestrogen , Progesterone)
B) target of each hormone and site of secretion of each
C) brief description to-the menstrual cycle
D) how to calculate the fertile period

5. Describe fertilisation
6. Role of placenta
7. Role of umbilical cord
8. Role of amniotic sac
9.describe birth
10. Advantages vs disadvantages of breast feeding
11. Discuss different types of contraceptive methods ( natural, chemical, mechanical or surgical)\
12. Infertility causes
13. Drugs used ijn infertility treatment → FSHILHI Progesterone .

14, AI internal
oig 15.IVF ....implications
external) .

16. HIV .......transmission ...prevention affects iimune sysytem ?


5 Fig. 5.1 shows a photomicrograph of a sperm cell reaching an egg cell.

Fig. 5.1

(a) (i) Complete the sentence:

A nucleus containing a single set of unpaired chromosomes in a sperm is called a

............................................... nucleus. [1]

(ii) State where, in the female reproductive system, the event shown in Fig. 5.1 occurs.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Describe what happens from the event shown in Fig. 5.1 until an embryo is formed.

Sperm reach the egg in the oviduct......acrosome release enzymes


that dissolve the jelly like structure around the egg......head enters

leaving the tail outside ......egg will form FERTILISATION


membrane to prevent further entry of another sperm ......then male


and female nuclei ( haploid nuclei)will fuse together forming zygote


( ...........................................................................................................................................

①Zygote move down the oviduct by the action of cilia



①divide by mitosis forming embryo


..................................................................................................................................... [4]

© UCLES 2020 0610/43/O/N/20


(b) Some people use fertility drugs and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to have children.

Outline the use of fertility drugs and the process of IVF.

Inject / orally taken the FSH


during the early days of menstrual cycle


To stimulate the development of follicle and maturation of an egg


LH injected by middle of cycle to stimulate ovulation


Process of IVF

Collect eggs

Collect sperm cells


Allow external fertilisation in a petri dish


Allow development of embryo


Insert some of the embryos in the uterus to be implanted


After screening embryos for genetic diseases



Inject the mother with progesterone after inserting embryos

............................................................................................................................................. [6]

[Total: 12]

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5 (a) The activities of the ovaries and the uterus are regulated by the hormones FSH, LH, oestrogen
and progesterone during the menstrual cycle.

Complete Table 5.1 to show the sites of production and the roles of these four hormones.

Table 5.1

hormone site of production role

Stimulate the development of

FSH pituitary gland ovary
follicle to allow maturation of egg

Stimulate the ovulation release the egg

LH pituitary gland ovary
into oviduct

oestrogen uterus stimulates growth of the lining of the uterus


Maintain the thickness of uterus lining

progesterone uterus
to be ready for implantation

© UCLES 2020 0970/42/O/N/20


(b) Fig. 5.1 shows the changes in the lining of the uterus of a human female.

thickness of
the lining of
the uterus

0 3 7 14 21 28 7 14
day of menstrual cycle

Fig. 5.1

Describe the changes in the lining of the uterus between days 0 and 28 of the menstrual

Decrease in the thickness of uterus lining

between days 0 and 7 ..............................................................................................................

With steepest decrease between 0 and


3 days


Increase in the thickness of uterus lining

between days 7 and 28 ............................................................................................................

Maintatined / remain at constant thickness


between 23 and 28 days




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4 Fig. 4.1 is a diagram of the human female reproductive system.



Fig. 4.1

(a) Complete Table 4.1 to show the letter and the name of each of the structures that perform
these functions.

Table 4.1

function letter name

releases oestrogen F Ovary

site of fertilisation A Oviduct

site of implantation E Uterus lining

dilates during the process of birth

(b) Fertilisation is the fusion of the nuclei of a male gamete and a female gamete resulting in a

State the number of chromosomes present in a human:

female gamete ...........................

zygote ........................................

© UCLES 2018 0610/42/F/M/18 [Turn over


(c) Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Fig. 4.2 shows the number of reported cases of chlamydia in females in each age group in
one country.

400 000 1.Maximum / majority

350 000 2. No cases above ....
300 000 3.
250 000
number of
chlamydia 200 000
cases in 2008
150 000

100 000

50 000

10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–54 55–64 65+
age group / years

Fig. 4.2

Describe the results shown by the data in Fig. 4.2.

①As age groups increase , the number of cases increase then

decrease....where it decraesed from 15-19 ①
①Most / highest number of cases observed at age group 15 to. 19

①No more cases observed at age group above 55-64 years


①Greatest increase was observed between 10-14 and 15-19




(d) Chlamydia is caused by a bacterium.

(i) Suggest a treatment for chlamydia.


(ii) State the name of one other STI.


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Paper 4

9 Page 4 May/june 2013 Syllabus-0610 Paper 33


10 Page 10 May/june 2013 Syllabus-0610 Paper 33


Dr.Nihal Gabr 527

Paper 4

Amniotic fluid ...acting as mechanical shock absorber, provides a

sterile environment around the fetus,
Placenta : act a s a barrier prevent mixing of blood between fetus and
mother ,,,allow passage of antibodies from mother to fetus, act as a

barrier to prevent chances of transmission of pathogens from mother

to fetus

Amniotic fluid:
Prevent temperature fluctuations

⑧ Placenta has blood flow which takes away the excess heat from the
amniotic fluid .
Where useful substances can diffuse from the mother’s blood to
fetus active transport

Across the placenta

By diffusion of waste products such as urea and
carbon dioxide from the fetus to mother

Dr.Nihal Gabr 528

Paper 4

15 Page 5 May/June 2018 Syllabus-0610 Paper 42

There are many diseases that are sexually transmitted

Such as HIV
That can be prevented by using cotraceptive methods
Such as condoms and femidoms


Dr.Nihal Gabr 535

Paper 4


c .
FSH stimulate
development of follicle allowing maturation of
egg .

FSH stimulate release of oestrogen which in turn

stimulates the release of Ut

I H stimulate ovulation which would T chance


. →

of fertilisation .

Natural Craythmic) / abstinence of sexual intercourse .

, i

saying the truth ./not

• Some people may not be honest
Some Females
using morethan
are one

method of contraception .

Dr.Nihal Gabr 536

Paper 4

17 Page 2 October/november2011 Syllabus-0610 Paper 33



18 Page 6 May/ june 2015 Syllabus-0610 Paper 31


Dr.Nihal Gabr 539

Paper 4

K. M. J. O. N
K. M. 0. J. N

Release of the egg

From the follicle in the ovary
Into the oviduct / fallopion tube

lG - -

- - -
Zygote Divide mitosis For embryo Which

by →

will movedown oviduct by the action of cilia to

be implanted then
into the uterus
lining →

part of embryo developed placenta ,

where the

Yellow body / Corpus luteum secrete Progesterone


to Maintain the thickness of uterus lining Er

3 Months then Placenta will secretion
, carry one

of progesterone For the 6 months of

coming pregnancy .

inhibiting production of FSH
preventing maturation of another egg .

Corpus luteum/ yellow body/ ovary


Dr.Nihal Gabr 540

Paper 4

24 May/ June 2019 Syllabus-0610 Paper 42



penis I
urethra fxoetoyluanaysyslem -

Female reproductive system .

Dr.Nihal Gabr 549

Paper 4

① To produce gametes.
① Which are haploid cells with half the number of chromsomes

① So upon fertilisation we restore the diploid number without doubling

① Meiosis gives rise to variation

Dr.Nihal Gabr 550

Paper 4


Contain digestive enzymes.


Q Contains DNA


s Swimming.

Dr.Nihal Gabr 551

Paper 4

jelly like layer
. .

lG haploid nucleus .

¥i embryo

zygote act

down?ton .

① Fertilization membrane is formed

① By hardening of the jelly coat

① Forming a zygote
① Zygote divide by mitosis forming embryo

① Embryo move down by cilia in oviduct down to uterus to be

implanted in uterus lining .

Dr.Nihal Gabr 552

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