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Mobile phones have a positive or a negative influence on peoples lives?

Nowadays it is impossible to think about ourselves without the presence of these phones,
they condition our day to day, because through them we communicate, schedule
appointments, remember taking medicines or, simply, it serves us as entertainment centres,
gaming, among other things.

Therefore, people are dependent on them and it is not good for health, apart from what
affects our mental health, it also affects our physical health, for this reason the constant use
of mobile phones causes damage to the joints, especially the hand. It can also cause
problems in the neck and for this reason, in the upper back area.

As a result, mobile phones also affect us by undeniably intervening in culture, determining

and establishing thoughts, behaviours, attitudes, and therefore the way of living,
consequently it mainly affects the new generations.

So in short, although sometimes we see mobile phones as something avant-garde and easy
to use, we have to be careful when accessing them.

Violet: opening
Green: body
Red: closing

Topic vocabulary used: gaming, access, user-friendly and cutting-edge

Connectors used: as a result of, so, therefore, consequently, for this reason and as a

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