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Thorax 1999;54:947–952 947

Nasal nitric oxide in man

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.54.10.947 on 1 October 1999. Downloaded from on December 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
J O N Lundberg, E Weitzberg

The past decade has witnessed an explosion in Both immunohistochemical and in situ
the interest of biologists in the gas nitric oxide hybridisation studies indicate that the NOS
(NO). This highly reactive free radical, first found in healthy sinus epithelium9 is identical
considered only a noxious air pollutant, is pro- or very closely related to the inducible NOS
duced in mammalian cells by specific enzymes (iNOS) that has been cloned from activated
and is believed to play a vital role in many bio- human hepatocytes.15 Moreover, NOS activity
logical events including regulation of blood in sinus mucosa is predominantly calcium
flow, platelet function, immunity, and independent, a characteristic associated with
neurotransmission.1 2 Direct measurement of iNOS.16 However, the regulation of the expres-
NO in biological tissues is diYcult to perform sion and the activity of sinus NOS seems to
because this gas reacts rapidly with, for diVer from that previously described for iNOS.
example, haemoglobin or other Fe2+- Thus, sinus NOS is constantly expressed and
containing proteins. It is therefore often neces- seems to be resistant to steroids,9 16 properties
sary to rely on indirect measurements in order normally associated with the low rate NO pro-
to detect NO synthesis in vivo. Unlike the situ- ducing endothelial and neuronal NOS.
ation in most biological tissues where NO is Immunostaining for NOS in the nasal mucosa
rapidly destroyed, in the gas phase NO is fairly has shown only weak staining for iNOS.9
stable at low concentrations.3 NO produced in Moreover, Ramis et al found only calcium
superficial structures of hollow organs will dif- dependent NOS activity in nasal mucosa from
fuse into the lumen and thus be detectable in healthy subjects.17 Human nasal epithelium
gas collected from such organs. from patients with nasal polyp disease express
The presence of NO in exhaled breath of increased iNOS mRNA compared with normal
humans was first demonstrated by Gustafsson epithelium.18
et al in 1991.4 Later studies clearly showed that,
in healthy controls at rest, almost all NO found
in exhaled air originates from the upper airways Measurement of nasal NO
with only a minor contribution from the lower Almost all studies in the literature on the
respiratory tract and the lungs.5–7 measurement of nasal NO have used the
chemiluminescence method. This method uses
an excess of ozone (O3) which reacts with NO
to produce nitric dioxide (NO2) with an
Origin of nasal NO electron in an excited stage (NO2*). NO2*
The exact origin of the NO found in nasal air changes back to the ground state while
and the relative contribution from diVerent emitting electromagnetic radiation in the wave-
sources within the nasal airways are not known. length range 600–3000 nm. A photomultipli-
There are, however, some indications that cator tube that proportionally converts the
favour the paranasal sinuses rather than the intensity of luminescence into an electrical sig-
mucosa of the nasal cavity as a major source of nal detects this chemiluminescence. The
nasal NO in adult healthy humans.8 Firstly, NO chemiluminescence technique is highly sensi-
release in the sinuses is markedly reduced by tive and NO can be detected in levels down to
intrasinus instillation of an NO synthase parts per trillion.3 19 It is rapid and easy to use
inhibitor (L-NAME) whereas nasal NO con- which allows for on line measurements of
centrations are only slightly reduced following exhaled NO. Other techniques that have been
intranasal administration of this inhibitor.9 used to establish that NO is present in the
Secondly, immunohistochemical and in situ exhaled breath of humans include mass
hybridisation studies showed dense staining for spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass
nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and its mRNA in spectroscopy.4 20
sinus epithelium whereas only weak staining Several techniques have been used for
Department of
Physiology and
was found in the nasal epithelium.9 Thirdly, a collecting nasal air, the most commonly used
Pharmacology, transient decrease in nasal NO (measured from method being to sample nasal air directly from
Karolinska Institute, one nostril) was observed in a study when air one nostril.21 22 Using the intrinsic flow of the
171 77 Stockholm, was continuously removed from one maxillary chemiluminescence analyser or an external
Sweden sinus during nasal sampling and the opposite pump, air is aspirated from one nostril. The
J O N Lundberg (transient elevation) occurred when air was contralateral nostril is left open and the subject
Department of
injected into the same sinus.10 Fourthly, nasal either holds his/her breath or breathes through
Anesthesiology and NO levels are markedly reduced in patients the mouth. Air is thereby forced from one side
Intensive Care, who generally have mucus filled paranasal of the nose to the other via the nasopharynx. To
Karolinska Hospital sinuses and obstructed sinus ostia (Karta- avoid contamination with NO from the lower
171 76 Stockholm, gener’s syndrome,6 cystic fibrosis,11 acute airway the subject can be asked to exhale orally
Sweden sinusitis12). Finally, nasal NO levels are high in against a resistance in order to close the soft
E Weitzberg
humans and other primates13 but very low in palate.23 24
Correspondence to: baboons,14 the only mammal lacking paranasal Another suggested method of measuring
Dr J O N Lundberg. sinuses. nasal NO is to exhale through the nose after a
948 Lundberg, Weitzberg

Table 1 Nasal nitric oxide (NO): eVects of disease 300

Disease Age Nasal NO Reference 250

Nasal NO (ppb)
Kartagener’s syndrome Children 2.5–12 yrs Extremely low 6

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.54.10.947 on 1 October 1999. Downloaded from on December 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Primary ciliary dyskinesia Adults Extremely low 69 200
Cystic fibrosis Children 5–15 yrs Decreased 11,31,32
Allergic rhinitis Children 5–15 yrs Unchanged 11 150
Adults Increased 34–37
Acute sinusitis Children Decreased 12 100
Chronic sinusitis Adults Decreased 33
Common cold Adults Unchanged 42
Preeclampsia Adults Unchanged 44
Controls Cystic Kartagener's
full inhalation to vital capacity. The exhalation fibrosis syndrome
should be made at a constant flow rate.
Following this procedure the subject then Figure 1 Steady state NO levels in air sampled directly
from one nostril of healthy children, children with cystic
exhales through the mouth from full vital fibrosis, and children with Kartagener’s syndrome. Data
capacity at the same flow rate and the NO value from Lundberg.6 11
from oral exhalation is subtracted from that
measured during nasal exhalation (unpub- in the blood flow in the mucosa of the nasal
lished observation). airways with a concomitant decrease in sub-
The optimal measurement technique for strate supply to the high rate producing NOS in
nasal NO is yet to be determined. A reliable the paranasal sinuses.27
and standardised method will allow for better
comparisons of results between diVerent labo- DISEASES
ratories. Attempts to standardise nasal NO The eVects of various diseases on nasal NO
measurements are in progress and recommen- levels are summarised in table 1. In children
dations for suitable sampling techniques will be with Kartagener’s syndrome—a triad consist-
given in the near future. ing of sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and situs
inversus—nasal NO levels are extremely low
compared with healthy, age matched controls.6
Factors that influence nasal NO levels Nasal NO levels are also very low in patients
MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE with cystic fibrosis (fig 1).11 31 32 Baraldi et al
Since NO is continuously released into the measured nasal NO in a group of children with
nasal airways the concentration will be depend- acute sinusitis and found low nasal NO levels.12
ent on the flow rate by which the sample is In these patients nasal NO levels increased
aspirated.21 Thus, nasal NO concentrations are when the patients improved following treat-
higher at lower flow rates. It may therefore be ment with antibiotics. Chronic sinusitis is asso-
preferable to express nasal NO as the output ciated with more than a 50% reduction in nasal
per time unit (e.g. nl/min) which has been NO levels.33 In general, the above studies indi-
shown to be relatively independent of flow cate that nasal NO levels are lower in subjects
rate.25 with sinus disorders. It has not been estab-
lished whether the low nasal NO levels in
PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS patients with sinus disorders are purely a result
In an early study nasal NO was measured in of altered passage of NO gas from the sinuses
healthy subjects at diVerent ages ranging from to the nasal cavity or whether the actual
0 to 70 years.9 Interestingly, nasal NO was production of NO in the sinuses is decreased in
already present at birth. In a later study Sche- these patients.
din et al found significant nasal NO levels in Whether or not nasal NO levels are altered in
newborn infants including those delivered by patients with rhinitis of diVerent aetiology has
caesarian section.26 In a study by Lundberg et al not been fully established. Some groups have
the same flow rate was used in all age groups reported higher nasal NO levels in patients
and nasal NO was found to be much lower in with allergic rhinitis.34–38 In one study nasal NO
newborn babies and in infants than in adults. decreased following treatment with nasal topi-
However, if the nasal NO concentration from cal steroids.35 Kirsten et al reported increased
these data is calculated in relation to body nasal NO levels after nasal challenge with
weight, the concentration in children around endotoxin-containing swine confinement
10 years of age is found to be approximately dust.39 In contrast, we found no alterations in
twice as high as that in newborn infants and nasal NO levels in a group of children with
adults. There is no evidence of sex diVerences perennial rhinitis.11 The reasons for the dis-
in nasal NO, but variation in NO levels has not crepancies between the studies are not clear.
yet been studied in relation to the menstrual One might speculate that iNOS is upregulated
cycle. NO output in the nasal airways is acutely in the nose during rhinitis,40as is the case in the
decreased by physical exercise.27–30 In the study lower airways in asthma.41 This would explain
by Lundberg et al27 direct measurement from the higher levels of NO reported in some stud-
one maxillary sinus showed an 83% reduction ies. On the other hand, the swelling of the nasal
in sinus NO concentrations after five minutes mucosa present during rhinitis might also lead
of exercise. The decrease in nasal NO levels to partial blockage of the sinus ostia which
cannot be explained merely by dilution of nasal would result in reduced passage of sinus NO to
air due to changes in nasal cavity volume or the nasal cavity where it is measured.
increased ventilation. Instead, these changes in Eccles et al measured nasal NO levels in
nasal NO have been attributed to a reduction patients with a common cold but failed to see
Nasal nitric oxide in man 949

Table 2 Nasal nitric oxide (NO): eVects of drugs, cigarette smoke and physical exercise Nasal NO levels have been reported to be
lower in cigarette smokers7 47 but increase one
Drug Administration Nasal NO Reference
week after smoking cessation.47

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.54.10.947 on 1 October 1999. Downloaded from on December 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Healthy subjects Nasal instillation Unchanged 6 Animal models
Systemic Unchanged 16
Allergic rhinitis Nasal instillation Decreased 35 Schedin et al have measured nasal NO in a
NO synthase inhibitors Nasal instillation Minor decrease 9,45 large number of species and found high levels
Systemic Decreased 46 only in primates and in elephants.13 Lewand-
L-arginine Nasal spray Unchanged 45
Nasal spray Increased 69 owski et al recently measured nasal NO in
Systemic Increased 16,44 baboons and found only low levels.14 Interest-
Histamine, capcaisin Nasal spray Unchanged 45
Alpha-2 agonists Nasal spray Decreased 37, 42, 45
ingly, baboons are the only mammal known to
Cigarette smoke Decreased 7,47 lack paranasal sinuses. Because of the large
Antibiotics Systemic Unchanged 6 variation in nasal NO output between different
Physical exercise Decreased 27–30
species, caution should be taken when compar-
ing data from animal models with results from
any diVerences compared with healthy studies in humans.
controls.42 In another study on experimental
human influenza nasal NO levels decreased Role of nasal NO
slightly during the symptomatic period.43 Although the exact role of nasal NO is far from
A general NO deficiency has been implicated clear, it is reasonable to believe that this
in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia, a disease pluripotent gas is involved in a variety of physi-
of pregnancy characterised by oedema, hyper- ological as well as pathophysiological events in
tension, and proteinuria. However, in a recent the airways.
study we found similar nasal levels of NO in
patients and healthy pregnant controls.44 HOST DEFENCE
Among the various biological properties of NO
are its eVects on the growth of various
pathogens including bacteria, fungi, and
The eVects of various drugs on nasal NO are viruses.2 48 NO produced by white blood cells is
summarised in table 2. Early reports on the thought to be important in the killing of certain
eVect of topical glucocorticoids showed no micro-organisms by these cells. Furthermore,
eVect of these drugs on nasal NO levels.6 In some bacteria are sensitive to authentic NO gas
fact, not even systemic steroids in high doses in concentrations as low as 100 parts per billion
seemed to alter nasal NO levels.16 Gerlach et al (ppb).49 The fact that local NO concentrations
suggested that bacteria in the nasopharynx in the nasal airways may be several hundred
induced nasal NO release.7 However, we found times higher than this supports the notion that
no eVects of systemic antibiotic treatment on NO is involved in local host defence in the
nasal NO levels.6 Moreover, as already men- upper airways. Local concentrations in the
tioned, newborn babies delivered by caesarian paranasal sinuses can reach 30 000 ppb.9 We
section had high nasal NO levels.26 Nasal NO have suggested that this NO may help to keep
release therefore seems to be independent of the sinuses sterile under normal conditions.
bacteria normally present in the nasopharynx. One might speculate that very low nasal NO
Topical nasal decongestants such as levels in patients with Kartagener’s syndrome
oxymetazoline have been shown to decrease or cystic fibrosis8 contribute to the increased
nasal NO levels.37 42 45 The reason for this is not susceptibility to airway infections in these
clear but it has been suggested that the patients. If this is correct, stimulation of
decrease in nasal/sinus blood flow induced by endogenous NO production could increase the
these drugs leads to a reduction of substrate resistance to airway infections in patients with
supply to the high producing iNOS in the low nasal NO levels as suggested earlier.6 It is
sinuses.45 Indeed, substrate supply seems to be not clear whether NO itself acts directly on
of importance for nasal/sinus NO release since micro-organisms or whether it combines with
intravenous administration of L-arginine re- other components to yield other reactive nitro-
sulted in an increase in nasal NO levels.16 gen intermediates that are toxic.50
Rinder et al looked at the eVects of histamine Besides acting directly on micro-organisms,
and capsaicin on nasal NO levels but found no NO may also contribute to local host defence
eVects of these drugs.45 by stimulating ciliary motility.51 A study by
The NO synthase inhibitor NG-nitro-L- Runer et al showed that application of an NO
arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) has only donor in the nasal mucosa of humans did,
minor eVects on nasal NO levels when admin- indeed, cause an increase in ciliary beat
istered locally in the nose.9 45 In contrast, Albert frequency.52 Furthermore, the same group has
et al found a substantial decrease in nasal NO shown that low levels of nasal NO correlate
levels following intravenous administration of with impaired mucociliary function in the
NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), an- human upper airways.53
other NOS inhibitor.46 This fits well with the
theory that the paranasal sinuses are the main INFLAMMATION
source of NO in the nasal airways. Thus, NOS NO synthesis is clearly enhanced locally at sites
inhibitors probably penetrate poorly into the of inflammation.54 This has been described not
sinuses if administered locally in the nose only in asthma5 but also in, for example,
whereas, if given intravenously, these drugs will inflammatory bowel disease55 56 and cystitis.57
reach the sinus mucosa. However, the role of NO in inflammation is far
950 Lundberg, Weitzberg

from certain. Some studies indicate a harmful with a ventilator also improves arterial oxy-
role for NO during inflammation, whereas genation and reduces pulmonary vascular
others indicate the opposite. Possible pro- resistance.65 Moreover, Pinsky et al have shown
inflammatory actions of NO include activation that the hospital pressurised air may contain

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.54.10.947 on 1 October 1999. Downloaded from on December 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of enzymes such as cyclo-oxygenase or metallo- NO levels similar to those described above
proteases. Moreover, peroxynitrite, which is (6–500 ppb) which may consequently have
formed from the reaction of NO with super- eVects on arterial oxygenation and pulmonary
oxide, can exert toxic eVects to tissues.36 58 The arterial pressure in mechanically ventilated
possible harmful eVects of NO have been patients.66 67 In a recent study nostril widening
attributed to the large amounts of this gas pro- with a nasal tape improved arterial oxygenation
duced by iNOS during inflammation. How- in spontaneously breathing patients, probably
ever, the recent finding of a constantly by enhancing ventilation through the nasal air-
expressed iNOS in the nasal airways compli- ways thereby increasing the delivery of NO
cates this picture since it clearly demonstrates from the nasal airways to the lungs.68
that the sole expression of iNOS and the These results show that NO derived from the
subsequent increased production of NO is not upper airways is capable of improving oxygen
associated with tissue damage. On the con- uptake and reducing pulmonary vascular
trary, iNOS in the upper airways may serve resistance (fig 3). It is tempting to speculate
important protective functions as discussed that the production of NO in the paranasal
above. Furthermore, in an animal model of sinuses has the purpose of modulating lung
colon inflammation McCaVerty et al have function in humans. Since NO is produced
shown that mice lacking the iNOS gene above the bifurcation of the large airways this
develop a much more severe inflammation than vasodilating gas will only aVect pulmonary ves-
wild type mice.59 sels in contact with ventilated alveoli, thereby
improving ventilation/perfusion matching.
NASAL NO AS AN AIRBORNE MESSENGER This new physiological principle of NO as an
The eVect of inhaled exogenous NO is airborne mediator may extend beyond vasodi-
currently being investigated in large scale clini- lation. Further studies will reveal whether
cal trials in patients with pulmonary hyper- inhalation of endogenous NO also has antimi-
tension and/or adult respiratory distress syn- crobial eVects, upregulates ciliary motility, and
drome and its clinical use in newborn children inhibits platelet aggregation. If this is true the
with persistent pulmonary hypertension has well known complications associated with long
been reported.60 Several investigators have term intubation and ventilation, such as ciliary
found clear eVects on arterial oxygenation and dysfunction and bacterial infections, may
pulmonary arterial pressure using concentra- partly be explained by the lack of NO due to
tions of inhaled NO as low as 10–100 ppb.61 62 disruption of the natural low dose flushing of
Interestingly, during normal breathing endo- the lower airways by self-inhalation of endo-
genous NO is inhaled at concentrations genous NO from the upper airways.69
(approximately 100 ppb) which are known to
have vasodilating eVects in the pulmonary Clinical value of nasal NO measurements
circulation.6 7 We have shown that nasal Measurements of nasal NO levels are attractive
breathing reduces pulmonary vascular resist- since they are completely non-invasive and can
ance and improves arterial oxygenation com- easily be performed even in small children. The
pared with oral breathing in subjects without
lung disease (fig 2).8 63 64 The addition of 100
ppb NO during oral breathing mimicked the
eVect of nasal breathing while moistened air
during oral breathing had no eVect.63 Intubated
patients are deprived of the natural inhalation
of endogenous upper airway NO. Supplemen-
tation of nasal air to intubated patients treated

tcPO2 (KPa)


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (min)
Figure 2 Representative tracing showing transcutaneous Figure 3 Nitric oxide (NO) is released in the nasal
oxygen tension in a healthy subject during periods of oral airways in humans. During inspiration through the nose
breathing (empty bars), nasal breathing (filled bar), or oral this NO will follow the airstream to the lower airways and
breathing of air containing exogenous NO at a the lungs. Nasally derived NO has been shown to increase
concentration of 100 ppb (hatched bar). Reprinted from arterial oxygen tension and reduce pulmonary vascular
Lundberg et al63 with permission. resistance, thereby acting as an airborne messenger.
Nasal nitric oxide in man 951

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