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Analisis Tense Dalam Jurnal

Dosen Pangampu :

Firna Maria Ulfa

1. Simple Present Tense
“Primary Education in Remote Indonesia: Survey Results from West Kalimantan and East
Nusa Tenggara”
 Teacher absenteeism is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, as it directly
affects whether students learn in school.
Reason : The sentence is a statement, consisting of the plural subject "students" +
verb 1 "learn" which is a simple present tense formula (S + v1).
2. Simple Past Tense
“The Effect of English Learning in Elementary School on Students’ English Language
Developmentin Junior High School”
 Oller and Nagato (1974) investigated the English proficiency differences between
students who experienced six years of English language instruction from grade 1 in
one particular school and students recruited through entrance examinations who
began studying English from grade 7.
Reason : The sentence represents an action/event that happened in the past
consisting of the plural subject "Oller and Nagato" + verb 2 "Investigate" which is a
simple past tense formula (S+v2).
3. Past Continuous Tense
“Primary Education in Remote Indonesia: Survey Results from West Kalimantan and East
Nusa Tenggara”

 In other words, female and contracted teachers were teaching more often.
From journal Primary-Education-in-Remote-Indonesia-Survey-Results-from-West-
Reason : This sentence represent an action or event that was going on in the past. In
other words, it shows the progress of the action or event at a specific time in the
past which consists of the plural subject "female and contracted teachers" + To be
"Were" + verb-ing "Teaching" which is the Past continuous Tense formula (S + To be
(were/was) + verb+ ing).

“The Effect of English Learning in Elementary School on Students’ English Language

Developmentin Junior High School”
There are no sentences using past continuous tense in the text because the text does not
require past continuous tense.

4. Present Continuous Tense

“Primary Education in Remote Indonesia: Survey Results from West Kalimantan and East
Nusa Tenggara”

 Two-thirds of schools in remote areas are lacking teachers, while two-thirds of urban
schools have too many teachers.
From journal Primary-Education-in-Remote-Indonesia-Survey-Results-from-West-
Reason : This sentence describes an action that is happening right now which
consists of the subject "Two-thirds of schools in remote areas" + To be "are" + Verb
"lacking" which is the formula of Present Continuous Tense (S + To be (Is/am/are/ +
Verb 1 + ing).
“The effect of blended learning model on senior high school students’ achievement”
There are no sentences using past continuous tense in the text because the text does not
require present continuous tense.

5. Simple Future Tense

“The effect of blended learning model on senior high school students’ achievement”
 In short, applying the blended learning as instructional model will take the teachers’
serious effort in order to get maximum benefit.
Reason : This sentence is an action that happens in the future which consists of the
subject "applying blended learning as a learning model" + Modals “ Will “+ Verb 1
"take" which is the formula of Simple FutureTense (S + Modals (will) + v1).

6. Present Perfect Tense

“Vocational Training and Trade Teaching in the Public Schools”
 at must, however, be carefully noted that the school proposed should not undertake
to graduate pupils equipped to enter the trades in any capacity save that of an
apprentice already considerably advanced in technical knowledge, and possessed of
skill sufficient to enable him quickly to assimilate the particular knowledge
of any specialized industry rising out of the course he has followed.
Reason : This sentence represent an action that just happened in the recent past
and still has its effect in the present or an action that represents an indefinite time in
the past consisting of the subject "He" + “Has” + verb 3 "followed" which is the
formula of present perfect tense (S + Has/have + V3).
7. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
 As a follow up policy intervention, the Government of Indonesia with technical
assistance from the World Bank has been implementing KIAT Guru since 2016.
From journal Primary-Education-in-Remote-Indonesia-Survey-Results-from-West-
Reason : This sentence conveys the idea that even a particular action or state of
being started in the past and is still continuing at the current time. It consists of the
subject "The World Bank" + "Has" + been + verb-ing "implementing" which is the
formula of present perfect continuous tense (S + Has/have + V+ing).
“Vocational Training and Trade Teaching in the Public Schools”
8. Past Perfect Tense
 In fact, a recent survey conducted by AFS Intercultural Programs found that 81
percent of 13- to 18-yearolds in Indonesia had considered study abroad.
Reason : This sentence refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to make it
clear that one event happened before another in the past. It consists of the subject
"Indonesia" + "Had" + verb 3 "Considered" which is the formula of Past Perfect tense
(S + Had + V3).
9. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
There are no sentences using past continuous tense in the text.
 Most of the school committee respondents had been serving for five years, with the
majority of them having graduated from senior secondary school.
Reason : This sentence depict an action that started at some time in the past and
continued until a specific time in the past. It consists of the subject "Most of the
school committee respondents" + "Had" + been + verb-ing "Serving" which is the
formula of past perfect conitnuous tense ( S+Had+been + Verb-ing)
10. Future Continuous Tense
 Okay, we will be arriving in New York City very soon!
Reason : This sentence represent an event or action that is happening at a certain
point in time in the future. The tense is also called the future progressive tense, as it
denotes an action or event that is progressing or continuing at a particular time in
the future. It consists of the subject "we" + modals"will" + be + verb-ing "arriving"
which is the formula of future continuous tense ( S+will+be + Verb-ing)
11. Future Perfect Continuouse Tense

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