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Video 01 Demo Team and Testimony

0:03-0:05 - Teacher Tess is instructing the demo team to answer the front part of the worksheet.
0:10-0:15 - Teacher Tess tells the demo team that they will be doing the worksheet under time
0:57-1:02 - Teacher Tess asks how long it took for the students to finish answering the

Video 02 The Three Pillars

0:03-0:26 - Teacher Tess uses the chopsticks as a metaphor for the three pillars of a child’s
successful Kumon journey. The first chopstick being the Kumon program.
0:27-0:42 - Teacher Tess gives a brief history of Kumon, sharing that the program was created
by Mr. Toru Kumon for his son.
0:43-0:52 - Teacher Tess explains that the Kumon method itself is not enough to guarantee the
child’s successful Kumon journey.
0:53-1:09 - Teacher Tess uses the second chopstick as a metaphor for Kumon Valenzuela
Center. She shared that her center (then 20 years old) was able to nurture many completers,
one of which is her first ever completer, Jacqueline.
1:10-1:32 - Teacher Tess shares her pride in not only nurturing hundreds of completers, but
also making their parents happy and proud of their child’s achievements.
1:33-1:43 - Teacher Tess assured the parents that the success stories of her completers are not
exceptions. She guarantees that the center’s goal for every child is completion.
1:46-2:01 - Teacher Tess tells the parents that in order for their child to complete, they need
more than just the Kumon method and the support from the center. The third and final chopstick
represents the parents.
2:02 -2:42 - Teacher Tess explains that even if the student is enrolled in one of the more
excellent centers of one of the biggest educational programs in the world, without the support
from the parents, these will not be enough. The most important part of a student’s Kumon
journey is their parents.
2:43-3:06 - Teacher Tess uses the ball as a metaphor for the child/student. With the help of the
three pillars - the Kumon program, Kumon Valenzuela Center, and the parents - the
child/student can succeed.

Video 09 Interview with Jared’s Mom

0:04-0:30- Jared’s mom shares that they re-enrolled Jared to help him improve his math skills
after seeing his intellectual potential.
0:31-0:41 - Jared’s mom hopes for Jared to be successful one day with the help of Kumon.
0:42-0:55 - Jared’s mom witnessed how Kumon has helped develop Jared’s sense of
0:58 - 1:15 - Jared’s mom shares an anecdote about his habit of reminding his grandmother
about his worksheets whenever she forgets to give him his homework.
1:17-1:45 - Jared’s mom considers Kumon as a substitute for her and her husband in helping
develop Jared’s skills, as they both work outside the country. She believes that Kumon plays a
major role in Jared’s achievements

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