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BSHM-3C Score: / 25
I. Identification: Recall the concepts and terms discussed. Write the correct answer on the space provided
before each number. (5 items x 2 points)
Diversity management 1. It involves the active process and programs by which organization managers make
everyone more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of others.
Physical abilities 2. These refer to the capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, strength, and
similar characteristics.
Sexual harassment 3. This states the unwanted sexual advances and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature that create a hostile or offensive work environment.
Surface-level diversity 4. This pertains to the differences in easily perceived characteristics such as gender,
race, ethnicity, age, or disability that do not necessarily reflect the ways people think
or feel.
Incivility 5. This refers to disrespectful treatment, including behaving in an aggressive manner,
interrupting the other person, or ignoring varying opinions.
II. Short Answers: Respond to the following items in no more than three (3) sentences. Write your
responses on the space provided. (3 items x 5 points)
1. In your perspective, how can an organization be successful in reducing stereotype threat?
Organization managers should impose strict rules governing the rights of each employee against stereotyping.
Employees should be given regular briefing about how they should act in the workplace and embrace diversity.
Lastly, all members of the organization should be aware of the negative impacts of stereotype threats to their

2. Cite a situation where exclusion is evident as a type of workplace discrimination in the tourism and
hospitality context.
Discrimination is a widespread issue that needs to be addressed. In exclusion, for instance, applicants in a
restaurant who did not finish college are tend to be set or given more work load than those who had their college
diploma even though they have the same skills set needed for the job.

3. What is the relevance of studying the differentiating characteristics of individuals in the workplace?
Knowing the people around you is necessary to have an idea their characteristics and attitude. It helps you to know
how to mingle with them and foster peace and respect. Therefore, a harmonious and positive atmosphere in the
workplace is ensured.

Base your responses on this rubric:

Criteria Performance Indicators Points #1 #2 #3
Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting details, and factual scenarios 3
Organization of ideas Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement 2

02 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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