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Disusun Oleh :

1. Dian Kirana Putri : 230107001P

2. Oktarina Dwi Rosalini : 230107002P
3. Lisma Nurliya : 230107003P
4. Merri Azizca Aldiana : 230107004P
5. Riska Metha Harimurti P : 230107005P
6. Rubiyah : 230107006P


TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024
In the picture is a patient who has a toothache.
Toothache is a condition when the teeth experience pain or ache, with varying levels of
severity.In most cases, this is caused by various problems with the gums or teeth.
Apart from that, this condition can also be a sign of disease in other parts of the body. For
example, problems with the jaw joints, earache, sinuses, or heart disease.
The main cause of toothache is tooth decay. Bacteria that live in the mouth can grow well
because of the sugar or juice in the food you consume.
These bacteria then form sticky plaque that sticks to the surface of the teeth. The acid
formed from bacteria in plaque can erode the hard white layer on the outside of teeth
(enamel) and cause cavities.
How to prevent toothache is actually easy, namely:
1. Brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day. Make sure to brush properly and
thoroughly. It is better to use toothpaste that contains fluoride.
2. Clean between your teeth with dental floss or mouthwash.
3. Limit consumption of foods that are too hard, too sweet and too sour.
4. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar levels normal.
5. Check with your dentist, at least once every 6 months.
6. Avoid smoking.


In Picture 5 There is Patient who is lying on the treatment bed in a Hospital .The Patientis
a middle aged man . He Suffered from a very Serious illness so he looked pale and weak.
It seemed like he was enduring great pain . The medical personel had given him infusion
fluid,to increase his energy then gave him medicine through the infusion fluid to reduce his
pain .

The patient in the picture looked like closing his eyes to reduce his pain.and after that the

patient could rest comfortably after being given the medicine.


According to government regulations No 88 of 2021 concerning the national strategy for

aging, it is stated that old age is a condition in humans after being over 60 years old.

At that picture, we can see a grandmother suffering from a musculoskeletal system disorder.
Where there are complaints of low back pain which has an impact on body posture. It needs
to be treated immediately to avoid more serious injuries. Help is needed to fulfill her living
needs so that even though she is old, she can still enjoy her life in her old age.

From the picture there is a patient lying in bed who has a fever. The patient is man who is not
too old. The patient is being treated at home, the therapy given by Mr. Clark was fever-
reducing medication and compresses using warm water. It seems that Mr. Clark had a fever
because he was exposed to rain water which caused Mr. Clark to have a fever. Treatment to
avoid fever is by eating enough nutritious food, getting enough rest, not getting exposed to
rainwater. If you are exposed to rainwater, try to shower stright away , and drink enough

there is a person with an injured hand. it probably happened because she accidentally cut her
hand while cooking. all she has to do is wash her hand using running water. then dried with
gauze. after that, given betadine and wrapped with a bandage. when she feels pain, she is
advised to take medication according to the instructions of a health professional.


 How does junk food increase the risk of depression?

 "Pro-inflammatory diets (such as junk food or ultra-processed foods) can trigger

systemic inflammation, and this can directly increase the risk of depression," said Dr
Camille Lassale, lead author of this study, quoted by The Guardian.

 He also added that a poor diet or low nutrition can significantly increase the risk of

 Foods that contain a lot of fat, sugar, or are cooked for too long (in this case junk food
or ultra-processed food) can cause inflammation not only in the intestines but
throughout the body.

 This is known as systemic inflammation.

 "The chemistry in the gut is very similar to the chemistry in the brain. So it's not
surprising that things that affect the gut can affect the brain too," said Dr Cosmo
Hallstrom, a depression expert from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
 This condition is not only triggered by a diet that is low in nutrition, but also a bad
lifestyle such as smoking, pollution, obesity and lack of exercise.

 "Chronic inflammation can affect mental health by transporting pro-inflammatory

molecules to the brain, it can also affect molecules - neurotransmitters - that are
responsible for mood regulation," Lassale said.

The conclusion of this study states that foods containing substances that can increase
inflammation, such as high cholesterol, saturated fat and carbohydrates, increase the risk
of depression by 40 percent.

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