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Course: Automation of mechanical systems Course No.: ME 595 Teaching Assistant: Eng.

Omar Rashad

Timers and counters

1- Timers

 ON-Delay response of its output:

When the input voltage Vin is applied to the terminals A1 and A2, a timing delay T
begins while the output contacts remain in their initial state, as shown in Figure. When
the preset time delay has expired, output contacts change state and remain there as long
as the input voltage is applied. The output contacts return to their initial state when the
input voltage is no longer applied. Of course, this output response or timer behavior is
repeatable as many times as desired.

Course: Automation of mechanical systems Course No.: ME 595 Teaching Assistant: Eng. Omar Rashad

 Off delay timer:

The off-delay timer (TOF) operation will keep the output energized for a time period after the
rung containing the timer has gone false. Figure 7-20 illustrates the programming of an off-delay
timer that uses the SLC 500 TOF timer instruction. If logic continuity is lost, the timer begins
counting time-based intervals until the accumulated time equals the programmed preset value.

Course: Automation of mechanical systems Course No.: ME 595 Teaching Assistant: Eng. Omar Rashad

 Counter

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