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COMSATS University,

Abbottabad Campus

Assignment No: 04

Submitted by: OKASHA KHAN

Reg No: SP23-BSE-057

Section: BSE-2B

Submitted to: Nasrullah Khan

Subject: Pak-Study
Assignment #4
Identify and describe the factors behind military being stronger as compared to state in Pakistan.
Discuss in detail the impact of National Security (NSC) on political system of Pakistan.

It is necessary to remember that evaluating the military's strength in relation to the state in each
nation involves a number of intricate socioeconomic, historical, and geopolitical considerations.
The military is very important and powerful in Pakistan; it sometimes has more power than the
government. The military's hegemony has been moulded by a history of martial law, military
takeovers, and direct or indirect engagement in political matters. In the past, Pakistan's armed
forces have positioned themselves as protectors of the country's security and have stepped in to
change the political landscape in response to perceived threats or instability. As a result, the
military now has significant influence over important foreign policy decisions, strategic issues,
and policy decisions, frequently marginalizing civilian institutions. The military's overall
influence is further bolstered by its enormous budget and economic influence. Although there
have been intermittent shifts to civilian governance, the military has continued influence on
Pakistan's political climate highlights its strength.


In Pakistan, the military has frequently presented itself as a stabilizing force during political
unrest and institutional corruption. A portion of people has found resonance in this narrative,
resulting in the belief that the military possesses superior capabilities for upholding law and
order and safeguarding the nation. The military's influence has also grown as a result of its
participation in geopolitical wars, especially those involving Afghanistan and Kashmir. A broken
political landscape, weak civilian institutions, and political corruption have all contributed to the
military's ability to expand its dominance. Pakistan's unbalanced civilian-military relationship
highlights the difficulties in creating a strong, developed democratic government, enabling the
military to continue playing a leading role in national affairs.

In the case of Pakistan, several factors contribute to the perceived strength of the military
relative to the civilian government:
1. Historical Influence:
Pakistan has experienced military takeovers and periods of military rule in the
past, which has led to the military being heavily involved in politics in the nation. There have
been occasions when the military has directly dominated the nation, shaping its political
2. Military Spending:

Pakistan devotes a large percentage of its budget to defense expenditures. The

military's total power and influence are a result of its large budget and resources. In
comparison to other state institutions, the military may possess more sophisticated
capabilities and more recent equipment because of high defense spending.

3. Security Concerns:
The ongoing security issues in the region, especially the prolonged
dispute with India on Kashmir, have traditionally placed a strong emphasis on the
military. The military's influence may come from the widespread belief that it is essential
to preserving national security.

4. Economic Interests:

In several nations, such as Pakistan, the military maintains economic ties by

participation in businesses and infrastructure development projects. The military may be
able to get more resources and power over the civilian government as a result of this
economic influence.

5. Political Stability:

In Pakistan, times of political unrest and difficulties with governance have

occasionally led to the military becoming increasingly involved in internal matters. It is
possible for the military to present itself as a stabilizing force in politically turbulent

6. Institutional Cohesion:
The Pakistani military is frequently seen as a well-organized and unified
force. Its capacity to maintain a powerful and cohesive front—which can be a source of
influence—is facilitated by its internal coherence.

7. Civil-Military Relations:

An important factor is the relationship between the military and the civilian
administration. A power imbalance favoring the military may arise from inadequate
civilian institutions or a lack of agreement between civilian and military authorities.

8. International Relations:

Pakistan's military might can be increased via its alliances and connections with strong
countries, particularly those that offer military support and aid. International
collaborations could help the military obtain cutting-edge.
It is important to acknowledge that the dynamic nature of the relationship between the state and
the military is subject to change. This complicated relationship is influenced by a number of
factors, and changes in the political, economic, and security settings can lead to changes in the
dynamics of power. The equilibrium between military and civilian power is an essential
component of a democratic and stable political structure.


In many nations, including Pakistan, the National Security Council (NSC) is a crucial
organization whose purpose is to advise the head of state on issues pertaining to foreign policy
and national security. Pakistan's political system has been significantly impacted by the creation
and operation of the National Security Council. The National Security Council (NSC), which
offers a forum for strategic decision-making and policy development regarding national security
issues, is crucial in determining Pakistan's political landscape. The NSC, which is made up of
important military and civilian figures, serves as a venue for discussion and cooperation on
matters ranging from external difficulties to threats to domestic security. It assists in bringing
political decisions into line with the demands of national security by advising the government on
issues of strategic relevance. The NSC is involved in the creation of comprehensive security
policy, intelligence assessment, and crisis management. The NSC contributes to the overall
stability and resilience of the political system by promoting cooperation between civilian and
military authorities, which improves Pakistan's response to complex security concerns in terms
of coherence and effectiveness.
Here are some key aspects to consider:
1. Formation and Structure:

Pakistan's National Security Council was formally established in 2004, and since
then, its composition has changed. High-ranking military officials, intelligence heads,
and important figures from the civilian administration, such as the prime minister and
pertinent ministers, are usually present. The President of Pakistan presides over the NSC.

2. Civil-Military Relations:

The NSC's influence on civil-military ties is one of the biggest on Pakistan's

political structure. The NSC offers a venue for military and civilian leaders to
communicate and work together on issues related to national security. This exchange of
ideas has the potential to either strengthen a harmonious and cooperative relationship or
cause conflict and power disparities.

3. Policy Formulation and Coordination:

When creating national security policies, the NSC is an essential component. It

provides a forum for bringing together various viewpoints from the military and civilian
sectors. The council supports the cohesive approach to addressing security concerns, both
foreign and internal, by helping to coordinate activities.

4. Influence on Foreign Policy:

By offering strategic advice on international relations, diplomatic contacts, and

regional stability, the NSC has an impact on Pakistan's foreign policy choices. The
country's responses to geopolitical changes and its alignment with global powers can be
influenced by the suggestions made by the council.

5. Emergency Response and Crisis Management:

The NSC assumes a pivotal role in emergency response and crisis management
decision-making during times of crisis. This is especially crucial for Pakistan, a nation
that deals with a number of security issues, such as border disputes and terrorism. The
general stability of the political system is impacted by the NSC's capacity to act quickly
and aggressively in times of crisis.
6. Impact on Governance and Development:

The NSC's emphasis on security issues may have an effect on resource allocation
and governance agendas. Concerns about national security may occasionally trump social
and economic advancement, which has an impact on the general welfare of the populace.
7. Accountability and Transparency:

The NSC's existence may bring up concerns about openness and accountability.
The NSC frequently holds classified meetings and makes secret decisions, raising
questions about the transparency of important policy choices.

8. Balancing Security and Democratic Values:

The NSC's formation calls into question how best to strike a balance between
democratic principles and security needs. Concerns have occasionally been expressed
over the military's possible erosion of democratic values through its influence on political
decision-making through the NSC. A robust political system must strike the correct

Although Pakistan's National Security Council is vital in handling security issues, its
influence on the political system is intricate and multidimensional. The NSC's overall influence
on Pakistan's political environment is shaped, among other things, by the capacity to integrate
security considerations with democratic values, maintain a balance between civilian and military
influence, and make decisions transparently.

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