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Q-1 What led to the breakup of west and east Pakistan. Discuss whether you
think the division of Pakistan into two separate parts at partition was a sensible

Ans-1 One of the main causes of the break-up was the economic and political
domination of West Pakistan over East Pakistan, which led to breakup .
Another major factor was the cultural and linguistic differences between the two
regions. West Pakistan was dominated by the Punjabi-speaking population, while
East Pakistan was largely Bengali-speaking.
In 1970, the Awami League, a political party based in East Pakistan, won a
landslide victory in the national elections, but the ruling government in West
Pakistan refused to recognize the results, sparking widespread protests and civil
The government then launched a military crackdown in East Pakistan, which led
to a brutal nine-month war and the eventual withdrawal of East Pakistan, which
became the independent nation of Bangladesh in 1971.

In my opinion east Pakistan should not have been separated from west Pakistan
because of its geographical and agricultural importance. It will cause more jobs
and benefits for both east and west Pakistan.

Q-2 What were the policies of Zulfiqar Ali bhutto and how did these policies
upset some people in Pakistan

Ans-2 Bhutto's most significant policy was the nationalization of several key
industries, including steel, banking, and oil. The goal of this policy was to reduce
the power of wealthy elites and redistribute resources to the working class.
However, this policy upset many business owners and members of the elite. Due
to nationalization merit was affected as in private sector the candidates were
selected on merit basis however after nationalization many institutes were
suffered .

Q-3 Make a timeline of the rulers of Pakistan ,1971 to date. Color the section
where the Pakistan was under military rule as red and color the blue for civil

Ans-3 Here is a timeline of the rulers of Pakistan from 1971 to the present day:
1971-1977: Yahya Khan, the President of Pakistan during the 1971 war with India,
was replaced by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
1977-1988: General Zia-ul-Haq,
1988-1990: Benazir Bhutto
1990-1993: Nawaz Sharif
1993-1996: Benazir Bhutto
1996-1999: Nawaz Sharif
1999-2002: General Pervez Musharraf
2002-2007: General Musharraf became the President of Pakistan
2008-2013: Asif Ali Zardari
2013-2018: Nawaz Sharif
2018-2021: Imran Khan.
2022-present: Shahbaz Shareef

Q-4 What are the causes of dispute between Pakistan and India? How it become
more dangerous in 1990s?
Ans-4 Since 1947, the two countries have been involved in various conflicts,
primarily over the region of Kashmir.
In the 1990s, the dispute between Pakistan and India became more dangerous
due to several factors. First, both countries became nuclear powers in 1998,
increasing the risk of a nuclear war. Secondly In 1999, the Kargil War broke out
between the two countries, which further increased tensions and almost led to a
full-scale war.

Q-5 How did Nawaz Shareef gave almost dictorial powers to the prime minister
at the expense of the president?

Ans-5 The 18th Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, which was passed
during Nawaz Sharif's tenure as a Prime Minister. Prior to the 18th Amendment,
the President had the power to dissolve the National Assembly. However, the
18th Amendment removed this power from the President and gave it to the
Prime Minister.

Q-6 How did General Musharraf came into power. What important events
marked his government (1990-2008)

Ans-6 General Pervez Musharraf came into power in Pakistan through a military
coup on October 12, 1999. He overthrew the democratically elected government
of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
During his time in power from 1999 to 2008. Here are some of the important
events and policies that marked his government:
Constitutional reforms
Economic liberalization
War on terror
Political unrest
Resignation and exile

Extra Questions
Q- 1 What was Awami league?
Ans-1 Awami league was a political party founded by Shaikh Mujeeb Ur Rehman.
In 1970 election this party won with extreme majority.
Q-2 How did Z.A Bhutto Rule from 1972 to 1977?
Ans-2 Z.A Bhutto introduced the policies of nationalization and socialism through
this process govt too over the private sector, industries, and schools etc. and
made them government institutions.
He also made some land reforms. His policies upset the rich class and Islamic
Scholars but benefited the middle-class farmers.
Q-3 How did Z.A Bhutto Govt Ended ?
Ans-3 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1972 to 1977.
His government ended in a military coup on July 5, 1977, led by General
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq. Bhutto's government had been facing increasing political
unrest and opposition, including charges of election rigging.
Bhutto was later tried and convicted on charges of conspiracy to murder, and he
was executed in 1979.
Q-4 How did Russia invasion of Afghanistan effect Pakistan?
Ans-4 Afghanistan had a profound and lasting impact on Pakistan, effected the
country's politics, economy, and society in significant ways. Here are a few key
factors that effected the Pakistan.
Refugee Crisis
Rise of Extremism
Economic Costs
General Zia ul Haq accepted huge amount in aid from USA to support Afghanistan
and USA ignored the human right issues and demand of democracy in Pakistan.

Q-5 Why General Zia Ul Haq introduced the policy of Islamization.

Ans- 5 General Zia Ul Haq introduced the policy of Islamization to get support
from Islamic Scholars and Islamic Parties . He also wanted to reduce the influence
of Bhutto’s party. He thought that Islam would counter the socialism and would
be best form of constitution.

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