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Take a deep breath.

Most of what you just inhaled is nitrogen. because 78% of the air in our atmosphere is
made of nitrogen.
Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, making up about 78% of the air
we breathe. Additionally, nitrogen plays an important role in the Earth's nitrogen cycle, which is
essential for life on our planet. Scientists have determined that nitrogen is a very stable molecule
because it does not readily react with other elements. This stability is part of the reason why
nitrogen makes up such a large percentage of the air we breathe.

Nitrogen exists in several forms, organic and inorganic

Organic – it is part of living organisms or biosphere
Inorganic – forms in soil (geosphere) and water (hydrosphere)
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for the production of amino acids (the molecules that
all living things need to make protein), proteins (large, complex molecules that play
many critical roles in the body), nucleic acids (large biomolecules that play
essential roles in all cells and viruses), etc.
Also, plants and animals could not live without nitrogen.
The biosphere consists of plants, terrestrial animals, marine and freshwater organisms,
and many other types of organisms on the earth.
The biosphere is essential to humans since it comprises crucial elements in charge
of human survival;
We humans are a product of the biosphere,
We constitute an integral part of the biosphere, but we are so prominent and active that
we are now changing it very considerably - and much too rapidly for our future safety
and survival.
Biomes – large communities of organisms defined by a particular climate
Ecosystem – even narrower and more specialized populations of organisms that
interact with non-living parts of the environment.

Humans are not considered a part of the biosphere because of our ability to alter and
manipulate our environment to suit our needs. While other organisms are subject to the
natural cycles and processes of the earth, humans have created systems and
technologies that allow us to transcend these limitations. This has led to a disconnect
between humans and the natural world, which has had far-reaching consequences for
both ourselves and the planet as a whole. Despite our many achievements, we need to
remember that we are still a part of this planet and that our actions have consequences.
Humans are indeed an integral part of the biosphere, as we have evolved alongside
many other living organisms on Earth. However, it is also true that our activities have
had a significant impact on the biosphere, and in some cases have caused damage to
ecosystems and threatened the survival of other species. We need to recognize the
interconnectedness of all life on our planet and take steps to protect and preserve the
diversity of life that exists within the biosphere.

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