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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Sorsogon City Campus
Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City
1st Semester, A.Y. 2023 - 2024

Submitted by:
Lorica, Kim Claire

Submitted to:
Shane D. Escalante
I. Introduction
A. The concept of Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory
B. Social Learning Theory brief history
C. The significance of Social Learning Theory

II. The Bobo Doll Experiment

A. Explanation about the Bobo Doll Experiment
B. The Bobo Doll Experiment Inference
C. Significance of the Bobo Doll Experiment to Albert Bandura's Social Learning

III. Social Learning Theory Four Mediational Processes

A. Attention
 Definition

B. Retention
 Definition

C. Reproduction
 Definition

D. Motivation
 Definition

IV. Conclusion
A. Importance of Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
B. Continued relevance of Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory for education
and society.

I. Introduction

Albert Bandura's social learning theory stated that learning occurs through
observation, imitation, and modeling and is impacted by factors such as
attention, motivation, attitudes, and emotions. The idea takes into account the
combination of environmental and cognitive factors that influence how people
learn. He developed the social learning theory as an alternative to the earlier work
of fellow psychologist B.F. Skinner, known for his influence on behaviorism.
According to Bandura, people watch behavior either directly through social
contact with others or indirectly through media. Rewarded actions are more likely
to be imitated, whereas punished actions are avoided.

Social learning theory explains how our environment and the people
around us influence our behavior. It explains how people learn new skills and
behaviors by observing the conduct of others and then attempting to replicate
that behavior. It is a critical theory for psychologists, educators, and anybody
concerned in human development and behavior.

II. The Bobo Doll Experiment

Bandura (1961) conducted a controlled experiment study to investigate if

social behaviors (i.e., aggression) can be acquired by observation and imitation.
The experiment was executed via a team of researchers who physically and
verbally abused an inflatable doll in front of preschool-age children, which led
the children to later mimic the behavior of the adults by attacking the doll in the
same fashion.
Bobo doll experiment demonstrated that children are able to learn social
behavior such as aggression through the process of observation learning, through
watching the behavior of another person. The findings support Bandura’s (1977)
Social Learning Theory.

III. Social Learning Theory Four Mediational Processes

The Social Learning Theory outlines four mediational processes that explain
how this learning occurs.

 Attention
 The degree to which we notice the behavior. A behavior must grab
our attention before it can be imitated.
 Considering the number of behaviors we observe and do not imitate
daily indicates attention is crucial in whether a behavior influences

 Retention
 How well we remember the behavior. We cannot perform the
behavior if we do not remember the behavior.
 While a behavior may be noticed, unless a memory is formed, the
observer will not perform the behavior. And, because social learning
is not immediate, retention is vital to behavior modeling.

 Reproduction
 The ability to perform the behavior. This is the ability to reproduce a
behavior we observe.
 It influences our decision about whether to try performing the
behavior. Even when we wish to imitate an observed behavior, we
are limited by our physical abilities.

 Motivation
 The will to emulate the behavior. This mediational process is referred
to as vicarious reinforcement.
 It involves learning through observing the consequences of actions
for other people, rather than through direct experience.
IV. Conclusion

Social Learning Theory emphasizes the significance of observation,

imitation, and modeling in the learning process, emphasizing the complex
interplay of cognitive and environmental factors. Bandura's work is an important
alternative to earlier behaviorist ideas since it highlights that people learn not only
from direct experiences but also from seeing others, whether in real-life social
interactions or through media.

Understanding Bandura's Social Learning Theory allows us to have a better

understanding of how people internalize behaviors from their surroundings. This
theory remains vital for psychologists, educators, and everyone interested in
understanding human development and behavior in today's interconnected
world, where media and social interactions play crucial roles in molding our
behavior. It emphasizes the subtle principles of learning through observation and
imitation, offering light on the complex interplay between our cognitive processes
and the environment around us.

V. Assessment

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Albert Bandura developed the Social Learning Theory as an alternative to the

work of which psychologist?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) B.F. Skinner
c) Carl Rogers
d) Abraham Maslow

2. In Bandura's Social Learning Theory, what kind of actions are more likely to be
a) Random actions
b) Punished actions
c) Ignored actions
d) Rewarded actions

3. What did the Bobo Doll Experiment demonstrate about children's learning?
a) Children cannot learn through observation.
b) Children can learn only through direct experience.
c) Children can learn social behaviors like aggression through observation and
d) Children can only learn positive behaviors through observation.

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the four mediational processes outlined in
the Social Learning Theory?
a) Attention
b) Retention
c) Production
d) Motivation

5. Which mediational process involves learning through observing the

consequences of actions for other people?
a) Attention
b) Retention
c) Reproduction
d) Motivation
II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write “RIGHT” if the statement is true, and “GOOD” if the
statement is false.

1. Albert Bandura's social learning theory primarily focuses on the influence of

genetics on behavior.

2. In Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment, children who observed aggressive behavior

were more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior themselves, even without any
external reinforcement.

3. According to the Social Learning Theory, the four mediational processes that
explain how learning occurs are Attention, Retention, Reproduction, and

4. Retention, as one of the mediational processes, refers to how well we

remember a behavior, but it plays a minor role in social learning.

5. Motivation in the context of Bandura's theory is primarily based on personal

experiences and not influenced by observing the consequences of others'

III. ENUMERATION. Enumerate what is being asked.

1. It involves learning through observing the consequences of actions for other

people, rather than through direct experience.

2. It is the ability to perform the behavior.

3. This is the degree to which we notice the behavior.

4. This is how well we remember the behavior.

5. It explains how our environment and the people around us influence our

VI. Answer Key


1. B.) B.F. Skinner 1. GOOD 1. Motivation
2. RIGHT 2. Reproduction
2. D.) Rewarded actions 3. RIGHT 3. Attention
4. GOOD 4. Retention
3. C.) Children can learn 5. GOOD 5. Social Learning Theory
social behaviors like
aggression through
observation and

4. C.) Production

5. D.) Motivation
VII. References

Cherry, K. (2022). How Social Learning Theory Works. Retrieved from

Mcleod, S. (2023). Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory. Retrieved from

Nolen, J. (2023). Albert Bandura. Retrieved from

Nolen, J. (2023). Bobo doll experiment. Retrieved from

Online MSW Programs (2022). Social Work. Retrieved from
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