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1. Subject verb agreement – using V1 or V5 (s/es)

Singular noun – verb + s/es
Plural – verb (V1)
He goes // They go // People are / He is
The book is …. The books are .. My friend has .. My friends have
Each book, both books, many books, some books, much trouble
It plays an important role / It is vital.
2. Usage of A, AN and THE
A – Countable singular noun starting with consonant like a book, a car, a
AN - countable singular noun starting with vowel sound (a,e,i,o,u) like an
apple, an umbrella, an interesting story
THE – when talking about a specific noun , the book
3. Article (a, an, the) + Adjective + Noun
Adjective – is a word that describes qualities of a noun.
A red face. This is an interesting book. He lives in the middle of the town.
to, for, from, in, on, at, by, among, of, off, between, with, within, up, down,
under, above,
Read the List from: wc-common-preposition-combinations.pdf
Before and after connectives (joining words) like and, or, as well as, either ..
or, neither .. nor, respectively
We must have words in same structure like:
books and pens // dancing or singing // neither a book nor a paper //
He walked and took some rest. He is either studying or dancing.
6. Blank after Full Stop.
He has been working as a clerk. Company is happy with his performance.
(Must start with capital letter)
7. Immediate comma after connectives.
However, In addition, Similarly, Likewise, On the other hand, Nevertheless,
8. Comma after clause (dependent and independent)
Even though I like her, she is stupid. (Contrast)
Although he is smart, he failed his exam. (Contrast)
In-spite of government policies, the population is growing.
9. despite (middle of sentence without comma) (contrast)
The population is growing despite government policies.
10. TO + V1
He wants to do it. The university is going to start a new course.
is / am / are / was / were / will be/ shall be/ be
He is doing it. They were listening to me. I am going to school. Library shall
be closing in the next 30 minutes.


is / am / are / was / were / will be/ shall be/ be

He is gone. It is done by him. Library will be closed.
12.Has / Have / Had + V3
He has gone to school. Teachers have taught us about language. They had
done it with the help of their teacher.
13. GOING TO + V1
They are going to do it. He is going to dance. I am going to write this essay.
14. they / their / those + plural (are)
They are going to do it.
15. Preposition (of, for) + verb + ing
Thanks for doing it. This is the benefit of studying grammar.
16. Modal Verbs
(can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, etc.) + V1
I can do it.
17. Modals
(can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, etc.) + BE + V3 / ING
18. verb + adverb (ly)

run quickly, eat slowly, finish completely.


SIMPLE PRESENT – They play football. Football is played by them.

PC – He is playing football. Football is being played by him.

PP- My friends have played football. Football has been played by my friends.

PPC – I have been playing football.

SIMPLE PAST – They played football. Football was played by them.

PC – He was playing football. Football was being played by him.

PP- My friends had played football. Football had been played by my friends.

PPC – I had been playing football.

SIMPLE FUTURE – They will play football. Football will be played by them.

FC – He will be playing football. Football will be being played by him.

FP- My friends will have played football. Football will have been played by my

FPC – I will have been playing football.

19. COLLOCATION – words that come in pair

academic excellence , take off, according to, in terms of, in the long run, …
Read the List from: wc-common-preposition-combinations.pdf
Read the List from: 2021_Teachers_PTE_Academic_Collocation_List.pdf

20.CONTEXT: (story of the text given to us) making a habit of looking at the
neighboring words very carefully.
You must be able to identify the TENSE
You must understand of the text is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE
This helps you put the correct word by understanding the context.

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