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Parametric Statistics • Denoted by H0

• The statement being tested.

Parametric statistical
• Assumed true until evidence
• Procedures are inferential indicates otherwise.
procedures that rely on testing claims • Must contain the condition of
regarding parameters such as the equality and must be written with
population mean, the population the symbol =, ≤, or ≥.
standard deviation, or the population
proportion. 2. Alternative Hypothesis
• Apply to data in ratio scale, and some • Denoted by Ha or H1.
apply to data in interval scale. • Statement that must be true if the
Two Common Forms of Statistical Inference null hypothesis is false.
• Sometimes referred to as the
• Estimation - It is used to approximate research hypothesis.
the value of an unknown population • Must contain the condition of
parameter. equality and must be written with the
• Hypothesis Testing - It is a procedure symbol 6=,<, or >.
on sample evidence and probability,
used to test claims regarding a Set the level of significance or alpha level (α)
characteristic of one or more You should establish a predetermined level
populations. of significance, below which you will reject
Procedures for Testing Hypothesis the null hypothesis.

1. State the null and alternative hypothesis. The generally accepted levels are 0.10, 0.05,
and 0.01.
2. Set the level of significance or alpha level
(α). Determine the appropriate test to use
Parametric Test
3. Determine the appropriate test to use.
1. One-Sample T-test
4. Determine the p-value.
2. Dependent Sample T-test
5. Make Statistical decision.
3. Independent Sample T-test
6. Draw conclusion.
4. One-Way Analysis of Variance
HYPOTHESIS - preconceived idea, assumed
to be true but has to be tested for its truth or 5. Pearson Product Moment Correlation

falsity. Note: Make sure to verify that the

assumptions of every statistical test are
Two Types of Hypothesis satisfied.
1. Null Hypothesis
In stating your decision, you can use: Common Assumptions

• Fail to reject the null hypothesis/ Do • Approximately Normally Distributed

not reject the null hypothesis/ Retain • Homogeneity of Variances
the null hypothesis. • Samples must be independent of
• Reject the null hypothesis. each other.
Note: Testing Normality of the Data
It is important to recognize that we never To determine if the data follows a normal
accept the null hypothesis. We are merely distribution, we can use the graphical or
saying that the sample evidence is not strong numerical method.
enough to warrant rejection of the null
1. Histogram
2. Normal Q-Q Plot
➢ Less than alpha, does not follow
normal distribution. Numerical
➢ More than alpha, does follow
1. Kolmogorov Smirnov Test
normal distribution.
2. Lilliefors
Decision Rule:
3. Anderson - Darling Test
If p-value is less than or equal to the level of
significance, reject H0, otherwise failed to 4. Shapiro Wilk Test
reject H0.
➢ Kapag mas mataas sa alpha level,
Histogram plots the observed values
failed to reject Ho
against their frequency, states a visual
➢ Kapag mas mababa sa alpha level,
estimation whether the distribution is
reject Ho
bell shaped or not. If the histogram form
Draw Conclusion a bell shaped it is considered that the
data follows a normal distribution.
Record conclusions and recommendations
in a report, and associate interpretations to Syntax:
justify your conclusion or hist(SAMPLE_DATAV2$GRADE_MATH,
recommendations. probability = T , col = 'GREEN')
➢ There is no sufficient evidence - lines(density(SAMPLE_DATAV2$GRADE_
failed to reject Ho. MATH) , col = 'RED')
➢ There is sufficient evidence – reject
Normal Q-Q Plot
Q-Q probability plots display the
Assumptions of Parametric Statistics
observed values against normally
distributed data (represented by the line). factor(SAMPLE_DATAV2$FAV
If the points are close to the diagonal line ORITE_SUBJECT))
it is considered that the data follows a 2. Levenes test
normal distribution. • More robust to departures
from normality than Bartletts
• Syntax:
Example: Use the four numerical test for
normality to grade in math from the
SAMPLE DATEV2 and determine if the Null Hypothesis:
data is normal.
Equal Variances Assumed.
• shapiro.test(SAMPLE_DATAV2$G
Alternative Hypothesis:
RADE_MATH) – Shapiro wilk test
• lillie.test(SAMPLE_DATAV2$GRAD Equal Variances Not Assumed.
E_MATH) - Lilliefors Test
One-sample t-test is used to compare the
mean of one sample to a known standard
_MATH) - Anderson Darling Test
(theoretical or hypothetical) mean (μ).
_MATH, "pnorm") - Kolmogorov Assumptions
Smirnov Test
• Samples must be independent of
Testing the Homogeneity of Variances each other.
• Approximately Normally Distributed.
There are many ways of testing data for
homogeneity of variance. Two methods are Syntax: t.test(score, mu = 70, alternative =
'greater', conf.level = 0.05)
shown here.
To perform inference on the difference of
1. Bartletts test
two population means, we must first
• If the data is normally
determine whether the data come from an
distributed, this is the best
independent or dependent sample.
test to use. It is sensitive to
data which is not normally Distinguish between Independent and
distribution; it is more likely Dependent Sample
to return a ”false positive”
• A sampling method is independent
when the data is non-normal.
when the individuals selected for
• Syntax:
one sample do not dictate which
individuals are to be in a second
• A sampling method is dependent • Your dependent variable should
when the individual selected to be in be measured on a continuous
one sample are used to determine scale (i.e., it is measured at the
the individuals to be in the second interval or ratio level).
sample. • Your independent variable should
consist of two categorical,
Dependent Sample T-test (also called the
independent groups.
paired sample t-test) compares the
• You should have independence of
means of two related groups to
observations, which means that
determine whether there is a statistically
there is no relationship between
significant difference between these
the observations in each group or
between the groups themselves.
Assumptions • There should be no significant
• Your dependent variable should
• Your dependent variable should
be measured at the interval or
be approximately normally
ratio level (i.e.,they are
distributed for each group of the
independent variable.
• Your independent variable should
• There needs to be homogeneity
consist of two categorical,”
of variances. If the variance of
related groups” or” matched
two independent groups are not
equal, r software will calculate
• There should be no significant
welch two sample t-test instead
outliers in the differences
of independent sample t-test.
between the two related groups.
• The distribution of the Syntax: t.test (shallow, deep,
differences in the dependent alternative = 'two.sided', var.equal = T,
variable between the two related conf.level = 1-0.10)
groups should be approximately
One-way analysis of variance
normally distributed.
(ANOVA) is a method of testing the
Syntax: t.test (pre, post, alternative = equality of two or more population
'less', paired = T, conf.level = 1-0.05 means by analyzing sample variances.
Independent Sample T-test is used to It is a more general form of the t-test
test whether population means are that is appropriate to use with three
significantly different from each other, or more data groups.
using the means from randomly drawn
• Your dependent variable
should be measured at the
interval or ratio level (i.e., Pearson product moment correlation
they are continuous). coefficient (Pearson r) is a measure of
• Your independent variable thestrength of a linear association between
should consist of two or more two variables and is denoted by r.
categorical, independent
Syntax: cor.test(<x>, <y>, method =
"pearson", conf.level = 1 - α)
• You should have
independence of x: independent variable
observations, which means
y: dependent variable
that there is no relationship
between the observations in cor.test(number_of_person, no_of_cups,
each group or between the method = "pearson", conf.level = 1-0.05)
groups themselves.
• There should be no significant
outliers. • Your two variables should be
• Your dependent variable measured at the interval or ratio level
should be approximately (i.e., they are continuous).
normally distributed for each • There is a linear relationship between
group of the independent your two variables.
variable. • There should be no significant
• There needs to be outliers.
homogeneity of variances. If • Your variables should be
the variance of more than approximately normally distributed.
two independent groups are
Non - Parametric Statistics
not equal, R software will
calculate Welch’s anova for • It refers to a statistical method in
unequal variances. which the data is not required to fit a
normal distribution. Due to such
reason, they are sometimes referred
• factor1 <- c(replicate(6, to as distribution-free tests.
'compact'),replicate(6, • Nonparametric tests serve as an
'midsize'), replicate(6, alternative to parametric tests.
'fullsize')) • Most non-parametric tests apply to
• leveneTest(car1~ data in an ordinal scale, and some
factor(factor1)) apply to data in nominal scale.
Note: Do not use non-parametric procedures
if parametric procedures can be used.
• oneway.test(car1 ~
factor(factor1), var.equal = F) Advantages of Non-Parametric Statistical
• Most non- parametric tests have very • Your dependent variable should be
few requirements, it is unlikely that measured at the ordinal or
these tests will be used improperly. continuous level.
• For some non-parametric procedures, • Your independent variable should
the computations are fairly easy. consist of two categorical,” related
• The procedures can be used for count groups” or” matched pairs”.
data or rank data such as the rankings
Syntax: wilcox.test(Year_2009, Year_1979,
of a movie as excellent, good, fair, or
alternative = "two.sided", paired = TRUE,
conf.level= 1-0.05, exact = FALSE)
Disadvantages of Non - Parametric
Mann Whitney U-Test is a non-parametric
Statistical Procedures
procedure that is used to test the equality of
• Nonparametric procedures are less two population means from independent
efficient than parametric procedures. samples. Non-parametric equivalent of
• The results may or may not provide independent sample t-test.
an accurate answer because they are Assumptions:
distribution free.
• Your dependent variable should be
Non-Parametric Tests
measured at the ordinal or
• One-Sample Sign Test continuous level.
• Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test • Your independent variable should
• Mann Whitney U - Test consist of two categorical,”
• Kruskal Wallis H - Test independent groups”.
• Spearman Rank Correlation Test Syntax: wilcox.test(ill, healthy, alternative =
• Chi - square Test "greater", conf.level = 1-0.10, exact = F)
One Sample Sign Test is a nonparametric Kruskal Wallis H-Test is a rank based non-
equivalent of tests regarding a single parametric test that can be used to
population mean. determine if there are statistically significant
Assumption: differences between two or more groups of
an independent variable on continuous or
• The samples must be independent. ordinal dependent variable. It is a non-
Syntax: signmean.test(<numeric vector>, mu parametric equivalent to one way ANOVA.
= <known mean>, alternative=’<condition>’, Assumptions:
conf.level=1 – α)
• One independent variable with two
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is a non- or more levels (independent groups).
parametric equivalent to t-test for two The test is more commonly used
related samples. when you have three or more levels.
• The level of measurement of Assumptions:
dependent variable are ordinal,
• There are 2 variables, and both
interval or ratio level.
are measured as categories,
• Your observations should be
usually at the nominal level.
However, categories may be
Syntax: city<-c(replicate(8, "makati"), ordinal. Interval or ratio data that
replicate(8, "mnl"), replicate(8, "qc")) have been collapsed into ordinal
categories may also be used.
• The two variables should consist
Spearman Rank Correlation (Spearman Rho) of two or more categorical,
is used to measure the strength and direction independent groups.
of association between two ordinal or • The data in the cells should be
continuous variables. It is a non-parametric frequencies or counts of cases
version of the Pearson Product-Moment rather than percentages or some
correlation. other transformation of the data.
• For a 2 by 2 table, all expected
frequencies > 5.
• The two variables should be • For a larger table, all expected
measured on an ordinal or frequencies > 1 and no more than
continuous scale. 20% of all cells may have
• There needs to be a monotonic expected frequencies < 5.
relationship between the two
Syntax: matrix(<numeric vector>, nrow = <n>,
ncol = <m>, byrow = <bool>, dimnames =
Syntax: cor.test(<numeric vector list(<vector>,<vector>))
(independent)> , <numeric vector
(dependent)> method = ’spearman’,
conf.level = 0.95) data<c(202,294,300,17,250,302,295,17,102,
cor.test(swimming_rank, cycling_rank,
method = "spearman", conf.level = .95) rowname<-c("Obese","overweight","normal
Chi-Square: Test for independence is
used to discover if there is association colname<c("Thriving","struggling","Sufferig")
between two categorical variables.
bmi<-matrix(data, nrow = 4, ncol = 3, byrow
Command for Chi-Square Test: = F, dimnames = list(rowname, colname))
chisq.test(<x>,<y>) chisq.test(bmi)
x: numeric vector or matrix
y: numeric vector; ignore if x is a matrix

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