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Classroom management is a cardinal element defining a flourishing teaching career.

Effective classroom
management is also related to prevention efforts. The progression and malleability of maladaptive
behaviors is affected by classroom management practices of teachers in the early grades. The scope of
functional coverage of classroom management has expended significantly these days from the concept of
traditional physical structural shape to induction of newer approaches of student participation, learner
focused teaching learning, collaborative and cooperative approaches to teaching learner materials
development and implementation, making classroom infrastructure and rules for teachers, students and
also for parents. The purpose of the study is to develop independent knowledge and skills among students.
Classroom management is a collection of techniques that teachers use to encourage effective learning by
minimizing distractions and disruptions. Classroom management can often be a neglected part of a
teacher's training. Even if classroom management is covered in a teacher-training course, new teachers
may not be prepared to deal with all the real-life challenges of the classroom. A teacher can have great
lesson plans and materials. Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that
teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive
during a class. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the
behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the
behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Generally speaking, effective teachers tend to display strong
classroom-management skills, while the hallmark of the inexperienced or less effective teacher is a
disorderly classroom filled with students who are not working or paying attention. Classroom
management is defined as the ability of teachers and students to agree upon and carry forward a common
framework for social and academic interaction, by creating an ethos of effort within a social fabric that is
built over time, and ultimately leads to student self-discipline. Classroom management is not an end in
itself but means for creating and maintaining a learning environment that is optimal, given the intended
curriculum (Brophy, 2006). Since classroom management skills affect the quality and quantity of the
learning and teaching core, learning for the 21st century demands acquisition of a range of classroom
management skills and broad areas of knowledge, and the development of set attitudes among teachers. A
teacher's primary work environment the classroom-has special qualities that are a potential source of
stress. Classrooms are closed, crowded spaces in which many people with differing abilities and priorities
are forced to use limited resources to achieve a broad range of personal, institutional and social goals.
Teachers have to face a classroom full of students every day, negotiate potentially stressful interactions
with parents, administrators, counselors and other teachers; contend with relatively low school budget;
and ensure students meet increasingly strict standards (Friedman, 2006). Developments in the past few
decades indicate that work in a classroom is also related to what is happening outside the classroom, such
as the school's organizational environment, policy environment, new technologies, and so on. For several
decades, the classroom has no longer been considered an enclosed bubble, isolated from its surroundings.
For teachers to successfully manage their classrooms, they must be well-versed in the different
dimensions of classroom management. For this, a paradigm shift (a) from management as a 'bag of tricks'
to management as decision making that necessitates ongoing professional development, expertise in
knowledge, practice and introspection; (b) from an emphasis of obedience and compliance to procedures
that advance self-direction; (c) from an emphasis of rules to the social-emotional relationship that
includes trust and caring; (d) from management, that is, teacher-directed work, to an active student-
centered learning environment. The new paradigm does not abandon all from the past but it does modify
school and classroom management to respond to the new era where the educators are moving to the level
i noticed that as teachers, we should always be aware of each student's needs. In order for students to
learn and reflect, we must always consider their level of comfort. This episode will focus on classroom

I will create a safe,

routines and procedures

Utilizing information to create a classroom management plan can help to ensure that the classroom
environment is positive, safe, and conducive to learning. This includes understanding the needs and
 To ensure the discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and procedures such as:
abilities of the students, as well as the goals and objectives of the curriculum. Additionally, by using
 Show your teacher respect and pay attention to what he or she is saying.
information about effective classroom management strategies, teachers can make informed decisions about
 Be considerate of your classmates.
how to structure their classroom and respond to student behavior. This can ultimately lead to a more
 Beand
successful prepared for class.
satisfying learning experience for both the teacher and the students
 Raise your hand to speak if you want to.
The mostRemain
teacherfrom implementing my plan is that having a well-managed and
ordered classroom is
 Share new conceptslargely dependent on preparation. Students can concentrate better and comprehend
 Maintain whena they
cleanhave a clear at
classroom understanding
all times. of the classroom management plan. One of the main
objectives of this plan is to keep
 Stick to the seating arrangement.distractions out of our school while creating a healthy and productive
 Useenvironment.
positive language.
I believe that I am not that perfect therefore I know that I have those items that were not tailored on their
 Remain alertmake
needs, but I always at allsure
to ask for their opinions as well suggestions and consult to other teachers.
 Take part in the discussions  Obey all school regulations.
The cleanliness
Be on time.
of the classroom and the students' moral character were mostly followed; respecting

teachersFinish your homework
and students, on time.
using positive language, and so on
Being on time with their class , sometimes they are late and does not mind being not on time.
will treat my students
hands when theyfairly
to with respect
speak- in order to speak
they sometimes keep our relationships
in chorus positive.
and it creates I'll instill in
a very
them respect for other people and ethics. Positive language
irritating sounds especially when someone is still talking. seems to work better when used in
interactions. I'll instruct them in speaking and listening. I will remind them that they are my students and
that I am their teacher, so they are required to keep me updated on any changes.
I understand the importance of having a classroom management strategy. It not only reminds
I will planofmy
students their school
class responsibilities,
schedule according tobuttheit time
also assists in the development
and scheduling of the student's
that my co-teachers mind in
and I decided
order for
upon. the student
I should alwaystotake
a good moral
opinions of character.
my students Because there are into
and coworkers no distractions,
account. Toitmaintain
also helpsmy
my students focus on their studies.
students' interest in the material at hand, I plan to make every aspect of my lesson engaging and
The problemsI should always call
I encountered every student's
in writing this planattention, even thecooperation
was the students ones seated far away. I should consider
their circumstances and feelings as well.
I will provide my students with resources that will facilitate their personal and academic advancement in
Having a meeting or a talk to the students regarding the importance of classroom management
order to establish a favorable learning atmosphere in my classroom. I'll also include some technology
learning plan.
that we use on a daily basis in class. I will also get rid of everything that might be stressful or a
distraction in my or
Having a meeting a talk to the students regarding the importance of classroom management
learning plan.that something goes wrong, I will supply a medicine cabinet for my students' safety and
In the event
Stating theInimportance
addition, I oshould get rid
classroom of any potentially
management learninghazardous
plan items like chemicals, knives, and other
items. The classroom needs a fire extinguisher and two doors for security purposes. In order to protect
their safety,
Students I will implement
involvement policies
on classroom that forbidlearning
management studentsplan
from leaving campus during class hours, post a
cellphone number in case of an emergency, and ask students to notify me or a security guard if they have
Classroom management learning plan - its uses and implications
any concerns.

I intend to impose class rules and procedures that will hold students accountable for their actions,
and I believe that students will comply if sanctions and rewards are attached to each rule. I will
provide punishment that is nt too harsh but at the same time they will learn how to be responsible

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