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Field Study I Chapter II LESSON 1- Processing:

The overall quality and flexibility features of the learning environment, in my

opinion, have considerably contributed to students' success. School facilities should be of
high quality, allowing pupils to learn more effectively. Aside from that, the instructor must
be adaptable in how he or she conducts his or her classes.

In my opinion, the school’s learning environment should start improving their

facilities and resources that will be matched to the students needs and providing a
platform for educators to find informal and forma l learning opportunities for their
students. Connecting children with work placements and professionals working in their
passion areas give students a sense of purpose in their learning and help them visualize
where they want to go after education.

Maslow's theory as motivational and described how a student's surroundings would

be. Where students are free to discuss their views and roam about as they see fit. And in
accordance with the laws and policies of the school.


I realized that a good learning environment may allow children enhance their self in
focusing on the lessons and avoid any mental health issues. Learners are more likely to gain
more motivation when the teachers build a positive learning environment that will result
into good outcomes.

I believe that the students learning environment has a big impact on the students
learning, behaviour and mental health. Because I believe that having a positive environment
will lead into positive outcomes, as well as in negative environment that will make the
students to suffer.

I believe that having a well-organized and conducive learning environment will be

a great starting step. Students are easily distracted by their surroundings, as I witnessed
throughout my observation, and they are unable to focus on the teachers' discussion.

When I become a teacher, I plan to reward my pupils for paying attention in class
by providing incentives that would drive them to learn. Allow them to express their
thoughts on a certain subject. In order for them to learn in a meaningful way,


The learning environment refers to the school's physical surroundings. It has a

significant influence on the learning of the learners. Students are encouraged to learn in a
setting that is conducive to their success. It also provides a pleasant environment for the
pupils to participate in various school activities.

A teacher can further establish a fair learning environment by grading students'

work only on the basis of their own work, rather of the work of their favorite pupils. In this
case, teacher must also be a trustworthy individual.

A fair learning environment that promotes fairness in the classroom not only earns
respect for the instructor, but also provides a sense of safety and trust among the pupils.
But when the absence of fair learning occurs, it will have a significant impact on the class
and particularly on the students. However, it will enable the instructor to be adaptive in
consideration of the pupils' strengths and deficiencies.

A fair learning environment has a significant impact on students' learning. In this

process, students have trust in their instructor to teach them what they desire to learn. It also
affects how they participate in class. And in this type of setting, students are more likely to
demonstrate an interest in the lesson.


I realized that providing a fair and positive environment for students would benefit
their learning experience. And establish a strong bond between the teacher and the students
in the classroom and to have unlimited engagement in all areas when it comes to discussing

In my belief, a fair learning environment promotes deep links between students

and instructors. Because students entrust their teachers with their futures in terms of
learning and improving their talents in any way and at any time.

I feel that being a teacher, has a significant amount of responsibility in terms of

shaping and winning the trust of your students. as well as comprehending and adapting to
school depending on their own learning styles.

I aim to offer a fair learning environment as a teacher. In which students will have
enjoyment discussing their views in a classroom free of judgments or biases.


I realized that the structure of the classroom would have an impact on the pupils'
learning and interests. and even the placement of their chairs, which will allow them to
engage with one another. That will give them a great and meaningful learning experience.

I believe that without a well-organized classroom framework, pupils' learning and

behaviour might worsen. It may also result in failure in the topic and a lack of interest in the

II feel
feel that
that having
the successful classroom
a competent management system
and well-organized will structure
classroom help prevent teacher
is necessary
for and reduce
the teachers. the need
Adequate for yelling,
room scolding
organization givesorconsistency,
other stressful discipline
which methods that
is important for
cause friction between teacher and student.
children since they flourish in a pleasant learning atmosphere.
When II become
become aa teacher,
teacher, II will
planprioritize theanlearnings
to build up efficientofclassroom
my students as well as
considering the classroom management because I know that it is one of the factors
that meets the requirements of my pupils. And provide a positive learning environment that we
should consider
my students. for students to participate in the class discussion.


The classroom structure, based on what I've seen, is made up of the instructors'
goals. Because Ma'am Leyma always prepares the lesson goals to be reviewed at the end of
the discussion,

The classroom environment has a significant impact on students' learning. They

will adjust in the classroom as a result of their behavior and the surroundings. This will
also serve the needs of the children in the classroom.

When I become a teacher, the type of classroom structure I will use to optimize
students' learning is one that has been designed to satisfy the teacher's and school's goals
and objectives.


Based on what I have observed, the teacher encourages her students by giving them
some mini games that will peak their interest in the lessons. and establish a good
relationship between them

The ideal classroom setup, in my opinion, is a welcoming environment where

students may start to work toward specific targets set in the class objectives. The instructor
must be friendly, well-organized, approachable, self-assured, and caring..

According to what I've seen, the teacher starts the class with an active activity, such
as 4 pics 1 word or enumerating the Balbal terms from the formal words. All of her students
were urged to engage in the mini games. Also, learning about your students' preferences and
creating a game about it is a great way to capture their attention and interest.


I realized how crucial classroom management would be to the school and the
learning environment of the pupils. Because it has an impact on the academic achievement
of students.

I believe that it is essential to create an ideal learning environment for diverse

groups of students. It will support them to develop and have an effective learning.
I believe that receptive settings are necessary for a healthy learning environment.
This will allow pupils to participate in a variety of activities.

When I become a teacher, I plan to employ a variety of teaching tactics to guarantee

that all of my students are able to engage actively, as well as to ensure that my students are
able to answer questions or discuss the lesson once the topic has been presented. 


Yes, Mrs. Leyma does promote purposive learning in order to communicate with

her pupils and carry out the courses and objectives. She also gave directions to her pupils to
help them.

In the classroom, purposive learning may be fostered by displaying knowledge

about learning settings that drives students to work effectively by taking responsibility for
their own learning.Also, creating a positive environment to ensure the effective learning of


I realized, when the instructor is an excellent speaker who understands the students'
sentiments and ideas about the subject or teachings, I noticed that students pay attention.

I believe that students are continually seeking information, thus I feel it is critical to
support intentional learning. It entails observing students to determine the learning style to
which they will adapt.

I feel that it is essential,  to have abilities in purposeful learning. because it will
serve as a foundation for what they need to learn and how they will go about learning.

When I become a teacher, I will promote a purposive learning that will help me to
utilize my teaching skills.

Ma'am Leyma practiced a well-organized classroom where students were allowed
to communicate their views and opinions about a particular topic, according on what I
witnessed during my observation of her. Students are also required to maintain acceptable
behavior and maintain an orderly classroom atmosphere during the meeting.
Yes, since, according on what I have observed, the students respect and pay
attention to Mrs. Leyma, and the class is showing interest to the subjects they've addressed.
In addition, Mrs. Leyma encourages students to learn in a fair and friendly atmosphere.

If I were the instructor, I would do the same thing since, as far as I have observed, it
has a successful outcomes: the pupils pay attention and are engaged in the lessons she


I realized that classroom management creates and maintains an organized

environment in the classroom. It promotes meaningful academic learning and social and
emotional development. Lowers negative behaviour and improves time spent intellectually

I believe, a classroom management plan should keep order in the classroom, have
clear reinforcement between the teacher and students, the teacher has to be in charge the lot
of the time, guidelines should be made together, including the teacher and students, students
should be aware of the rules and outcomes.

I feel it is critical to understand classroom management strategies since they are

successful. They improve student performance by fostering a structured learning
environment that fosters students' academic abilities and competences, as well as their
social and emotional growth.

As an aspiring educator, I believe that I should be more educated about various

classroom management techniques so that I am aware of the areas in which I should
improve in the classroom.

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