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Student Name: Maria Gozdzikowski

EDU 214
Music In You
Date: 12/16/23

Artifact Description: I had to create my own rendition of a future topic that I

I’m going to teach by using this music software.

What you learned: I learned the skills of copying/pasting, and being able to edit

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed:

1.3 Knowledge Constructor → “Students critically curate a variety of resources using
digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful
learning experiences for themselves and others.”

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: Collaboration, group socialization,

memory, and being able to create with information learned in the classroom. Like
I did here, my students could pick a history topic and twist it into whatever song
they may like.

Include a reflection that tells what you scored on your Multiple Intelligences online test
from the link provided, and then your feelings about using MI theory going forward in
your own classroom. What are your thoughts about your strong and weak intelligence?
Reflect back to classrooms or favorite teachers from your past. Was this person
teaching to your strength?

- I scored Linguistics and I feel that using the MI theory is great because not
everybody lives in the old-school way. Different ways of learning are
exciting for these students. I agree with my strong intelligence because I
am a communicator and this is how I’m able to learn. My weak intelligence
is musical because it just doesn’t fit me. My favorite teacher was my
history teacher in 12th grade, Mr. Brown. He was so communicative and
verbal! He didn’t just lecture, he made us all participate.

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