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Module 2 – Part 6

Exercise 2

Developing the Actor Mindset

(10 Minutes)

Pick a situation in your life that dissatisfies you: maybe your boss’s or your colleague’s behavior,
a recurring issue in your relationship, or dissatisfaction with your work environment.

1. What’s the story your mind creates as it explains why the situation is the way it is—or why you
cannot change it.
You may hear yourself saying: “My boss is just an idiot – I just have to live with that.” Or “my spouse
always wants me to do stuff around the house. That’s why I’m grouchy.” Or “I can’t leave my job
because I need the money.”
Write down the story, below.




2. Can you notice how your story places you in the Reactor role? Which circumstances or people do
you “blame” for your situation or feelings?


3. Which choices in your life have you made that ultimately got you into this position? (Therefore, you
carry a responsibility for that situation).



4. Remember the “Circle of Discretion”? What can you do right now with this situation? (E.g. speak
with people, walk away, etc.).




5. As you consider the options, can you sense an energetic shift inside of you: where you feel more in
the Actor role – more in the driver’s seat?

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