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Q1: Which function returns reference to Array of row values??

a Fetch()

b Fetchrow_refarray()

c Fetchrow_arrayref()

d None

e Fetchrow_hashref()

f Fetchrow_array()

Q2: In which variable is the users IP address stored??


b None

c None


e $_ENV


Q3: Which of the following is not a SQL operator??

a Between .. and ..

b Like

c All of the above are valid SQL operators

d In

e Not in

f Is null

Q4: PHP scripts are enclosed within _______?

a <?php

b <php> . . . </php>

c ?php . . . ?php

d <p> . . . </p>

e <? .... ?>

f <?php . . . ?>

Q5: What is a filter hook??

a None

b None

c A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and modify WordPress data before it is
sent to the database or the browser.

d None

e A Filter hook in WordPress allows you get and truncate WordPress data before it
is sent to the database or the browser.

f None

Q6: Is it a good practice to edit the WordPress core files??

a No, because your changes will be lost during the next WordPress update

b None

c None

d None

e None

f Yes, you can change the core files without any further compilations

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