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The strategic sector absorbs the most labor and has
a rural base and the majority of the population lives in rural
areas with their livelihood as farmers, namely agriculture. The
aim of developing agriculture specifically for food crops is to
increase production and expand the diversity of agricultural
products .

One of the food crop commodities from the

agricultural sector in Indonesia is rice, where the results of
farming are still a staple food and commodity that really
supports the country's economic development. Rice is a
farmer's crop and the main crop in Indonesia and the world.

The population of Indonesia is directly

proportional to the amount of rice or paddy food. If the
population in Indonesia increases, the need for rice will also
increase or vice versa (Prasekti, 2015). This commodity is a
contributor to state income in Indonesia as shown by a
production level of 9.44 percent of the total world production.

Rice is one of the main food sources and almost

half of the world's population, including Indonesia, consumes
rice. This commodity has spiritual, cultural, economic and
political value because it greatly affects the lives of many

An important sector in national development

according to the RPJMN (National Medium Term
Development Plan) is called the agricultural sector. RPJMN
phase three (two thousand fifteen
- two thousand nineteen) states that the agricultural sector is
very important in national economic development. Important
roles include providing food and industrial raw materials,
earning foreign exchange, absorbing labor, the main source of
income for rural communities, contributing to gross domestic
product, providing feed and energy and can reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. The third phase of the RPJMN
aims to increase self-sufficiency in corn, rice and soybeans.

The key to successful business in the agricultural

sector is the availability of high quality seeds. Increasing and
expanding the area is an effort to increase national rice
production. Considerations in developing superior rice
varieties in an area are the main factors of farmers' attitudes
and preferences in selecting and using appropriate superior

Demfarm (demonstration farm )

Demfarm is located in Sungai Dua Village, one of
the villages located in Rambutan District, Banyuasin
Regency. About 80 percent of the population earns their living
as farmers with rice crops.


This research was conducted on land belonging to the South
Sumatra Cooperative Development Research Education
Foundation (YP4SS), University of South Sumatra (USS)
located in Sungai Dua Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin
Regency, Province .

South Sumatra. Selection of research locations.

can be systematically formulated as follows:

Pd = TR – TC TR = Y. Py

TC = FC + VC Where:
Pd = Income from three superior varieties (Rp.)
TR = Total Revenue (Rp.)
TC = Total Cost (Total Cost) (Rp.)
Y = Production (kg)
Py = Price (Rp.)
FC = Fixed Costs (Rp.)
VC = Variable Costs (Rp.)

Feasibility analysis on demofarm land with trials of three

superior varieties where R/C is the comparison between total
revenue and total costs.

R/C = TR/Tc

Where :
R/C = Return Cost Ratio
TR = Total Revenue (Rp.)
TC = Total Cost (Total Cost) (Rp.)

The income from the paddy farm is all revenue from

the sale of rice and is calculated for each rice variety, while
the TC is all costs incurred by the rice farm by testing three
superior varieties during one planting season. The decision
criteria according to (Saeri, 2018) are:
R/C > 1 = Efficient
R/C = 1 = Break Even (BEP)
R/C < 1 = Inefficient .

Comparison (comparison) of income uses data from

more than two samples/populations, namely with the One
Way Anova Test (if the data is parametric and normally
distributed) or the Kruskal Wallis Test (non-parametric) if the
data is not normally distributed. By using SPSS 26 software
from three superior varieties to income with the following
H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = … = µ𝑘𝑘 (This means that the mean
income for the 3 types of varieties is not different)
H1: There is at least 1 population whose mean income is not
the same. (This means that there is a significant difference in
income, at least for 1 rice variety).

Testing criteria can be carried out by comparing the

calculated F value with table F or the Prob > F value with the
significance value (5%) produced through data processing by
software. If the Prob > F value is higher than the significance
value (5%), then it can be concluded that H0 is rejected or in
other words, differences in varieties result in differences in
farming income.


Demonstration Farm (Demonstration Farm) is an

agricultural extension method and technique carried out
through demonstration. The aim is to show a new innovation
to the target in a real way.
Demonstration activities include demonstrations to farmers to
teach new techniques including their advantages so that they
can perfect old methods.
Demfarm is located on USS land which is located in Sungai
Dua Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency. The
total area of the demofarm is 6 hectares, where each variety is
planted on 2 hectares of land. The varieties used are IPB 3S,
Inpari 32, and Ciherang. The management is carried out by
YP4SS in collaboration with partners (IPB, BPTP, PT
PUSRI). Demfarm began to open at the end of 2020.
Demfarm land is new open land in the shallow wetland
swamp area which still has tree trunks and branches left from
the vegetation (secondary swamp forest .

The implementation of the Demfarm was carried out

as one of the Rice Estate Community (KEP) programs.
Through this method, it is hoped that a number of farmers will
carry out business together in one management unit. The
farmer institution in the form of KEP was followed by
introducing technology from IPB research results. One of
them is the new superior type variety IPB 3S which has
unique characteristics. This variety is expected to become an
alternative variety that can be developed. The five pillars of
high and sustainable productivity (IPB Prima Technology)
include the IPB-Bio application, land restoration with straw,
IPB best practice, counseling and assistance, application of
agricultural mechanization. In two thousand twenty
, the accompanying staff will be experts with various expertise
prepared by IPB. The duties of the accompanying team
consist of one) supervising, two) mentoring and three)
guidance both technically and non-technically. This program
was agreed together with the Representative Forum of Farmer
Owners and Cultivator of Land (FP4L).
The Rice Estate Community (KEP) has a scope of
activities including ;

one) rice production technology, namely carrying out

optimization of mechanization with processing practices,
training and demonstrations.

two) institutions, namely carrying out the formation of

organizational structures, creating a technical guidance
curriculum (BIMTEK) and job exposition .

three) collective business, namely creating business concepts,

business plans and business models .

four) intelligent agrosystems through implementation

applications, intelligent agrosystems, and Focus Group
Discussions (FGD).

Candidates for KEP members included are

agricultural laborers or sharecroppers. It is hoped that
prospective KEP members can socialize technology from
Demfarm to the farming community where they live.

Farmers have adopted technologies that have been

implemented such as seedbed making techniques, planting by
transplanting, row legowo planting techniques, application of
fertilizers and pesticides, water management using pumping,
control of plant pest organisms (OPT), Human Resource
Management (HRM) and processing. land.

At the beginning of the Demfarm implementation, the

community was not interested in using fertilizer due to limited
capital. Quite a lot of fertilizer is applied. However, after the
community knows the benefits of Demfarm, the formation of
KEP can be realized because KEP members expect intensive
guidance regarding lowland rice cultivation in shallow
swampy areas which are influenced by river tides and receive
capital loan assistance through Financial Technology
(FINTECH) for the purchase of fertilizer that has been
determined according to standards so that it can increase
production and improve the village economy.

Demfarm activities are carried out starting from land

processing, planting, maintenance to harvest.


Common problems faced by new rice fields include low

land fertility causing low productivity of land compared to
rice land in general. Control of newly opened land against
iron poisoning is carried out by improving the growing
environment which consists of controlling drainage and
washing, fertilizing, ameliorating and planting appropriate
varieties. Previously, the land was still lumpy so it could not
be processed directly with a tractor, but land processing used
heavy equipment in the form of hexavators and dozers to
clean and level the land. The impact that arises is because
heavy equipment can oxidize pyrite which results in soil
acidity and topsoil exploration. This heavy equipment also
cannot level the ground perfectly, so there are still many
locations that have the potential to cause waterlogging.
Waterlogging can be reduced with a hand tractor but not
optimally. The initial results of the soil pH test in the
laboratory were 4.1. The addition of 2-4 tons of dolomite can
increase the soil pH between 1-2, so that the soil can reach 5-
6, where the pH is ideal for the development of rice and
secondary crops. Providing dolomite can neutralize soil
acidity so that increasing the pH causes plants to easily absorb
nutrients well and grow optimally.


Transferring seeds that have been planted to rice fields

taking into account the age of the seeds, spacing, the number
of seeds planted for each clump and the depth of the seeds to
be buried is called planting. Farmers cultivating rice fields at
the Demfarm location. Planting lowland rice at Demfarm
initially used Atabela (direct seed planting tool), but it was not
suitable for the newly opened land due to uneven soil and
high rainfall, so transplanting was carried out. The Atabela
system, which has Caplak or Plant spacing, for example the
Bayer seeder and the IRRI drum seeder, can make a run on
the ground provided the land is muddy, not flooded and messy
so water conditions need to be regulated.

Maintenance of rice plants at the Demfarm carried out

by sharecroppers includes fertilizing, replanting and
controlling pests and plant diseases. Replanting is carried out
if a plant is attacked by pests, plant diseases and flooding.
Plants really need fertilizer as additional food for their growth
and development (Firdauzi, 2013). The dosage and timing of
fertilization are adjusted to the plant's growth conditions so
that it can provide benefits for the results of the plants to be
cultivated. Fertilizer is given when the plants are 7 days after
planting (DAT), namely Urea, Bioripah and Humapro Acid
SG The Andersons K Mate SG. The condition of the plant,
because it is still chlorotic at the start, requires nutritional
intake and soil conditioner (humic acid) which can increase
the pH from 8 to 9. When the plant is 14 HST, the plant is
given Stater Plus, Essential Plus, Provibio IPB and Nutrimag
which function to control organisms. Plant Disturbances
(OPT) and adapt to land conditions.


At the harvest stage, the three superior varieties have

different harvest times, namely Ciherang for 125 days, Inpari
32 for 120 days, IPB 3S for more than 112 days. Based on
land conditions, harvesting is carried out by combing or using
a Combine Harvester because the land is a large expanse
where there is dry land and puddles of water due to rain.
Harvest and post-harvest yields can experience losses due to
the way the harvesting equipment is handled and used. Rice
harvesting tools and machines should meet technical, health
and economic requirements.
This harvesting requires a workforce of 10 HOK/ha. On
the other hand, harvesting using a Combine Harvester is
carried out on 4 hectares of land, namely IPB 3S and Inpari 32
varieties. This method of harvesting requires a workforce of 2
HOK. The yield of each variety (2 Ha per variety) can be seen
more clearly in Table .

Hasil Panen pada Lahan MasingMasing Varietas

No Varietas Jumlah (kg/ 2 ha)
1 IPB 3S 2.068
2 Inpari 32 2.016
3 Ciherang 2.340
Total 6.412

Rata-rata 2.137

The average production costs incurred for testing three
superior varieties on the Demfarm land located in Sungai Dua
Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency, is Rp.
18,413,470/ha/MT for the IPB 3S variety, Rp.
16,804,970/ha/MT for the Inpari 32 variety and Rp.
15,993,470/ha/MT for the Ciherang variety. Thus, the highest
production costs are for the IPB 3S variety while the lowest
are for Inpari 32.


Rice farm income is the difference between revenue and

total production costs in one planting season with a land area
of two hectares using three superior varieties. Rice demofarm
income by applying three superior varieties (IPB 3S, Inpari 32
and Ciherang). The average IPB3S income is Rp. -
14,794,470/ha/MT while Inpari 32 is IDR.
-13,276,970/ha/MT and the Ciherang variety has an average
income of
Rp. -11,898,470/ha/MT can be seen in Table 5. The average
income is classified as very low, namely IPB 3S due to lack of
adaptation to land conditions, increasing plant pest and
disease attacks. The productivity of rice farming in lowland
swamp land is generally low due to the use of too much
fertilizer, not according to recommendations, the need for
inorganic fertilizer is high, the price of which continues to
increase, making it difficult for farmers to afford. IPB3S rice
seeds are a new type of superior variety released by IPB
which is somewhat resistant to brown planthoppers, tungro
disease, blast and bacterial leaf blight.

It is necessary to repeat planting with good land conditions

such as neutral pH, improved drainage so that flooding does
not occur and better implementation of Good Agriculture
Practice (GAP). It is hoped that the formation of the Rice
Estate Community (KEP) will be able to introduce technology
from the results of IPB research which will be applied by its
members so that farmers will prosper. Through this rice
demonstration, there is land that can be proposed to become a
seed breeder in lowland swamp land.

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