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Progress on my Personal Project

Giorgi Makhatadze

I have looked at various different animation

programs and learned how to use them and
found the one that I think will be best suited
for my specific idea. And the program I will
be making my animation on is called
“Opentoonz”, it is a simple and efficient
Japanese animation tool which simplifies a lot
of the aspects of making an animation, which drastically lowers the amount of time and work
needed to make an animation, which Is exactly what I need because of the sheer size and
complexity of my personal project. I have yet
to master the program but I am making lots of
progress every day.

I have bought some of the equipment I think I

will need to complete this project. I have
bought a microphone and a digital pen for
animation purposes. I have not started making the animation itself I am still making small test
animations to gain a grasp on how the program works.

I have also done research on

Dystopias and read some of the
sources on the topic, I am realizing
now that my original idea of the
project was very ambitious and thinking about how possible it is to implement stop motion
animation into the project.

I have displayed the following ATL Skills: Research Skills

(Gathering Data), for the research, Research Skills (Planning)
for making my action plan and following it and Thinking Skills
(Acquisition of Knowledge) For finding and comprehending
multiple different animation programs.

My Action Plan

 Research Find all of the relevant information on the topic

and write it down in a disorganized manner
 Find and learn the programs I will be using to produce this animation
 Get used to the programs by making test animations
 Start Writing a script and My Notes organizing the previously mentioned researched
 Start making the animation now that I have a rough Idea of how the script will go
 Rework the animation and script to make them better fit each other
 Show it to my peers and superiors and ask for any sort of criticism
 Take into account their criticism and attempt to perfect the animation
 See if I achieved my product goals by asking the audience some questions.
 Finish

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