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ID : A227BSX2984

Reference Document

This is a video script that I uploaded on my Instagram:

Hey guys, I am Lintang Aura Syufee, a participant of Bangkit Academy 2023 batch 2 on the Android
development learning path. As a participant in the Android Development learning path I have learned
many things, in developing Android applications from basic to advanced. This program also applies
best practice in solving an existing case. So, in addition to successfully creating an Android
application we are also trained on how to maintain the code properly. Bangkit also provides mentors
and expertise that can help us with the problems we are facing. In addition to the hard skills, the
Bangkit program also encourages participants in terms of soft skills to support professional ethics
and careers. There is also an English class with a native speaker who will teach us about
communication and tips and tricks in English. In this program the friends are amazing and also
supportive. For approximately 4 months I have been joining this program, I can feel the development
in myself in a positive way in many aspects. And I want to tell you some good news guys! Currently
Bangkit 2024 batch 1 has already opened. Don't miss this great opportunity. Bangkit provides 3
learning paths that you can follow according to your interests. Including Android Development, Cloud
Computing, and Machine Learning. Immediately register yourself and feel the sensation. SEE YOU
good luck.

The screenshot above is proof that I did my own work and made edits in my TikTok account

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