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A general solution of unsteady Stokes equations

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2004 Fluid Dyn. Res. 35 229


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Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236

A general solution of unsteady Stokes equations

A. Venkatalaxmi, B.S. Padmavathi∗ , T. Amaranath
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, India
Received 9 April 2003; received in revised form 29 January 2004; accepted 1 June 2004
Communicated by O. Sano


A general solution of unsteady Stokes equations is suggested and its completeness is proved. A simple
method of solution for the problem of an arbitrary unsteady Stokes 2ow in the presence of a sphere is
discussed. Some physical properties like drag and torque experienced by the sphere are given and compared
with some earlier known results.
c 2004 Published by The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics and Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

MSC: 76D07

Keywords: Unsteady Stokes equations; General solution

1. Introduction

Steady Stokes 2ows have been a subject of rigorous mathematical study by mathematicians and
engineers alike resulting in a rich mathematical theory as well as a wide variety of applications
which continue to be exploited even to this day. The unsteady Stokes 2ows have prompted an
equally elaborate study resulting in theoretical and experimental investigations in this area. Stokes
(1845) studied the force exerted by a viscous, incompressible 2uid on a moving sphere in a steady,
axisymmetric motion and also the oscillatory motion of a sphere along a diameter through a viscous,
incompressible 2uid which is at rest at in;nity. Basset (1961) gave the force exerted on a sphere
in an arbitrary axisymmetric time dependent motion by integrating the result of Stokes (1845). The
unsteady, viscous 2ows in the presence of some particles was studied by many researchers, using
analytical and numerical methods. Some of the notable researchers in this area in recent times are
Lawrence and Weinbaum (1986, 1988), Kim and Karrila (1991), Pozrikidis (1989a, b), Lovalenti and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B.S. Padmavathi).

0169-5983/$30.00  c 2004 Published by The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics and Elsevier B.V.
All rights reserved.
230 A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236

Brady (1993), Sano (1981), Coimbra and Rangel (1998, 2001), Feng and Joseph (1995), Yang and
Leal (1991), Maxey and Riley (1983), Ranger (1996), Mazur and Bedeaux (1974), Michaelidis and
Feng (1995), Stone and Bush (1996) and Howells (1974). Pozrikidis (1989a, b) used a singularity
method for the computation of unsteady Stokes 2ows. He considered linearized oscillatory 2ow in a
bounded or unbounded domain using a cartesian tensor notation. In this paper, we present a general
solution (also referred to as a complete general solution in literature) of unsteady Stokes equations
employing two scalar functions. We then proceed to suggest a method of solution for the problem
of an arbitrary unsteady Stokes 2ow in the presence of a sphere. FaxHen’s (1922, 1924) laws are
given, compared with previously known results and illustrated by an example.

2. A general solution

The equations of motion for the unsteady Stokes 2ow in a viscous, incompressible 2uid are
 = −∇p + ∇2 V; (1)
∇ · V = 0; (2)
where  is the density, V the velocity, p the pressure and  the coeLcient of dynamic viscosity of
the 2uid. We rewrite Eq. (1) as
1 @
 ∇2 − V = ∇p; (3)
where  = (=) is the co-eLcient of kinematic viscosity.
By taking divergence of (1) and using Eq. (2), we ;nd that pressure is harmonic. We can now
also verify that any solution V of (1) and (2) satis;es the equation
2 2 1 @
∇ ∇ − V = 0: (4)
It can be shown that V can also be decomposed as
V = V 1 + V2 ; (5)
2 2 1@
∇ V1 = 0 and ∇ − V2 = 0: (6,7)
From Eq. (2), we know that V is solenoidal and hence we employ the representation due to
Padmavathi et al. (1998)
V = Curl Curl(rA) + Curl(rB); (8)
where the scalars A and B are solutions of the following equations:
LA = −r · V; (9)

LB = −r · CurlV; (10)
A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236 231

where L is the transverse part of the Laplace operator except for the factor 1=r 2 in spherical polar
co-ordinates (r; ; ’). Based on the proof given by Padmavathi et al. (1998), it is easy to show on
similar lines that A and B satisfy the equations
2 2 1@ 2 1@
∇ ∇ − A = 0; ∇ − B = 0: (11,12)
 @t  @t
Using the identity

Curl Curl(rA) + Curl(rB) = ∇ (rA) − r∇2 A + ∇ × (rB) (13)
we obtain from Eq. (1), the following relation:
@ @ 2 2 @
 ∇ (rA) − r∇ A + ∇ × (rB) = −∇p + ∇ ∇ (rA)
@t @r @r

−r∇2 A + ∇ × (rB) : (14)

This may be further simpli;ed as

∇ p +  (r(At − ∇ A)) − r[∇2 At − ∇4 A] + ∇ × [r(Bt − ∇2 B)] = 0:
Since A and B satisfy Eqs. (11) and (12), we have
p = po +  (r(∇2 A − At )); (16)
where po is a constant.
So a general solution of unsteady Stokes Eqs. (1) and (2) may be given by Eq. (8) i.e.
V = Curl Curl(rA) + Curl(rB);
p = po +  (r(∇2 A − At )); (17)
where A and B satisfy Eqs. (11) and (12), i.e.
2 2 1@ 2 1@
∇ ∇ − A = 0; ∇ − B = 0:
 @t  @t
A solution of (11) can be decomposed as follows
A = A 1 + A2 ; (18)
2 2 1 @
∇ A1 = 0 and ∇ − A2 = 0: (19,20)
In fact, if A = A1 and B ≡ 0, then V satis;es the equation ∇2 V = 0. Likewise if A1 ≡ 0, then V
satis;es the equation
2 1@
∇ − V = 0: (21)
232 A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236

The general solution of Eqs. (11) and (12) can therefore be written as A = A1 + A2 , where
n 2
A1 = n r + n+1 Sn (; ’)e t ;

A2 = (n fn (r) + n gn (r))Sn (; ’)e t ; (23)

B= (n fn (r) + n gn (r))Tn (; ’)e t ; (24)

Sn (; ’) = Pnm (cos )(Anm cos m’ + Bnm sin m’); (25)
Tn (; ’) = Pnm (cos )(Cnm cos m’ + Dnm sin m’); (26)

n ; ; n ; n ; n ; n ; Anm ; Bnm ; Cnm ; Dnm are constants and Re(2 ) 6 0.
The functions fn (R) = =2RI 1 (R); gn (R) = =2RK 1 (R) are the modi;ed Bessel functions
n+ n+
2 2
of fractional order.
As an illustration, we can consider the following two examples:

(1) Oscillatory 4ow. The expressions for the scalar functions A and B corresponding to an oscil-
latory 2ow are
A = r sin  cos ’ ei!t ; B = 0; U ¿ 0: (27)
(2) Unsteady Stokeslet: Consider the velocity ;eld due to an unsteady point force F = F1 ei!t iˆ
located at (0; 0; 0). Then the corresponding expressions for A and B are given as
F1 4 2
A= − g1 (R) + 2 sin  cos ’ ei!t ; (28)
8  R
B = 0; (29)
where 2 = (i!)=.

The velocity components can be written in terms of the scalars A and B in spherical polar co-ordinates
(r; ; ’) from (8) as
1 @ @2 2 @2
qr = − cot  + + csc  2 A; (30)
r @ @ 2 @’
1 @ @A @B
q = A+r + csc  ; (31)
r @ @r @’
1 @ @A @B
q’ = A+r − : (32)
r sin  @’ @r @
A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236 233

Using the expressions for A and B given in (22)–(24) we may rewrite them as
n− 1  fn (r) n  gn (r) 2
qr = n(n + 1) n r + n + n+2 + n Sn e t ;
r r r
n− 1  (n + 1) nn  (n + 1)
q = (n + 1)n r + n fn+1 (r) + fn (r) − n+2 + n gn (r)
r r r
@Sn 2 t @Tn 2 t
−gn+1 (r) e + csc (n fn (r) + n gn (r)) e ;
@ n=1

(n + 1) nn (n + 1)
q’ = (n + 1)n r n−1 + n fn+1 (r) + fn (r) − n+2 + n gn (r)
r r r
@Sn 2 t @Tn 2 t
−gn+1 (r) csc  e − (n fn (r) + n gn (r)) e :
@’ n=1
Here the pressure is given by

n 2
p = p0 − 2  (n + 1)n r n − n Sn e t :
r n+1

Let us consider the unsteady Stokes 2ow in the presence of a sphere of radius a in a viscous,
incompressible 2uid with rigid boundary conditions, i.e., qr = 0; q = 0; q’ = 0 on r = a and V → Vo
as r → ∞. In terms of A and B, these conditions assume a simple form as A = 0; Ar = 0 and B = 0
on r = a. Suppose the 2uid velocity at in;nity is given by
V0 = Curl Curl(rA0 ) + Curl(rB0 ); (33)

A0 = (n r n + n fn (r))Sn (; ’)e t ; (34)

B0 = n fn (r)Tn (; ’)e t ; (35)

n ; n and n being known constants. The disturbance caused due to the presence of the sphere of
radius a modi;es the 2ow so that the perturbed 2ow is represented by A and B as given in Eqs. (18)
and (22)–(24). Using the boundary conditions on r = a we can determine the unknown constants as
n+2 n gn+1 (a)an n [gn+1 (a)fn (a) + fn+1 (a)gn (a)]
n = a  + ; (36)
(2n + 1)gn (a) − agn+1 (a) (2n + 1)gn (a) − agn+1 (a)
 (2n + 1)n an n [(2n + 1)fn (a) + afn+1 (a)]
n = − + ; (37)
(2n + 1)gn (a) − agn+1 (a) (2n + 1)gn (a) − agn+1 (a)
fn (a)n
n = − : (38)
gn (a)
234 A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236

The drag on the sphere of radius a is therefore found to be

3 a4 g2 (a)1
D = 4
ag2 (a) − 3g1 (a)

a3 (f1 (a)g2 (a) + f2 (a)g1 (a))1
(A11 iˆ + B11 jˆ + A10 k̂)e t :
+ (39)
ag2 (a) − 3g1 (a)
The torque experienced by the sphere is given by
8 (g1 (a)f2 (a) + f1 (a)g2 (a))
(C11 iˆ + D11 jˆ + C10 k̂)e t :
T = a3 1  (40)
3 g1 (a)
It can be easily shown that
23 a4 g2 (a)
D= [V0 ]0
ag2 (a) − 3g1 (a)
2[3a3 (f1 (a)g2 (a) + f2 (a)g1 (a)) − a4 g2 (a)] 2
+ [∇ V0 ]0 ; (41)
 ag2 (a)− 3g1 (a)    
 2 a2 2 ea 1 1 1 2
= 6a 1 + a + [V0 ]0 + a − + + [∇ V0 ]0 (42)
3 a2  2 3 a 2 a2
= 6a(B0 [V0 ]0 + a2 B2 [∇2 V0 ]0 ); (43)
 2 a2 1 a  2 a2
B0 = 1 + a + ; B2 = 2 2 e − 1 + a + ;
3 a 3
4a3 (g1 (a)f2 (a) + f1 (a)g2 (a))
T= [∇ × V0 ]0 ; (44)
g1 (a)
= 4a3 [∇ × V0 ]0 ; (45)
a + 1
where V0 is the velocity of the undisturbed 2ow and [ ]0 is the evaluation at the centre of the
sphere r = 0. We observe that the formulae agree with those given by Kim and Karrila (1991), and
Pozrikidis (1989a, b). Moreover, they reduce to the well known FaxHen’s (1922, 1924) laws in the
steady case when  → 0.

3. Example

Sphere in an oscillatory 2ow. Consider a sphere of radius a in an oscillatory 2ow of a viscous,

incompressible 2uid. This amounts to considering the velocity and pressure to be of the form V0 =
Uei!t and p = Pei!t , respectively, in the above analysis. Here we seek a solution satisfying the
conditions (i) V = 0 on r = a, (ii) V → Uei!t as r → ∞ and p → Pei!t as r → ∞. Here if U = U i,ˆ
A0 = r sin  cos ’ ei!t ; (46)
B0 = 0; (47)
A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236 235

where U is a constant. The modi;ed velocity and pressure owing to the presence of the sphere have
the following representation:
V = Curl Curl(rA) + Curl(rB); (48)

@ i!
p = p0 +  (r(∇2 − 2 )A); 2 = ; (49)
∇2 (∇2 − 2 )A = 0; (∇2 − 2 )B = 0: (50,51)
In this example,
1 Ua4 g2 (a) 3aUg1 (r)
A= Ur + 2 − sin  cos ’ ei!t ; (52)
2 r (3g1 (a) − ag2 (a)) (3g1 (a) − ag2 (a))
B = 0: (53)
We rewrite A as
U a3 3ea 3 3
A= r+ 2 −1− −
2 r  2 a2 a 2 a2
3aea 2 2e−r 1
− − 1+ sin  cos ’ ei!t : (54)
2 2 r 2 r r
We can identify the distribution of singularities from Eq. (54) and from expression for A in the
case of a Stokeslet situated at the origin as described in Eq. (28). The image system consists of a
potential dipole and a Stokeslet due to a point force F = −6Uaea ei!t iˆ at the origin. The drag is
given by the following expression
23 a4 g2 (a)U ei!t ˆ  2 a2
D= i = 6Ua 1 + a + ei!t iˆ (55)
ag2 (a) − 3g1 (a) 3
which agrees with the well known formula due to Stokes (1845). The torque experienced by the
sphere is zero. It is easy to see that in the limit  → 0, we recover the expression for A in the
steady case from (54) as
U a3 3a
A= r+ 2 − sin  cos ’; (56)
2 2r 2
and the formula given in (55) reduces to the formula for the drag experienced by a sphere of radius
‘a’ in a steady, uniform 2ow.


One of the authors (AVL) wishes to acknowledge gratefully the ;nancial assistance received from
C.S.I.R. (India).
236 A. Venkatalaxmi et al. / Fluid Dynamics Research 35 (2004) 229 – 236


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