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Staying Healthy

Advanced English, Module 5

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

For this project, you will create
a PowerPoint presentation.
v The topic of your project is how you stay healthy
in body, mind, and spirit.
v Each slide will feature very specific information
about you, as well as relevant photos.
v Any photos or information you find online must
be cited on your last slide.
v You may add music and convert the presentation
to a video, but the song you use must be cited as
Here are your slide-by-slide instructions.
All information must be in your own words; no copying.
Bullet points must be in complete sentences.

Slide 1: Title slide. Write the title of your project and your Slide 5: Emotional Health. In your own words, include 2
full name. Include a recent photo of you where we can see sentences about the importance of emotional health.
you face and any other decorations or photos you want to Then, write 3 sentences that talk about what you
use to make it aesthetically pleasing. yourself do to maintain a healthy emotional state. You
need 5 sentences in total. Include at least one relevant
Slide 2: This is an About slide. Introduce yourself. Include photo.
your age, a favorite motivational quote ( in English and who
said it) and 3 things you LOVE about yourself (in complete
sentences.) Include relevant photos. Slide 6: Spiritual Health. In your own words, include 2
sentences about what it means to be healthy in spirit.
Slide 3: Nutrition. In your own words, include 2 sentences Then, write 3 sentences that talk about what you
about what it means to have good nutrition. Then, write 3 yourself do for spiritual health. Spirituality does not have
sentences that talk about ways that you yourself maintain, or to connect to a religious tradition, but it can. You need 5
try to maintain, healthy nutrition. You need 5 sentences in sentences in total. Include at least one relevant photo.
total. Include at least one relevant photo.

Slide 4: Physical Fitness. In your own words, include 2 Slide 7: As you age: What are at least 3 strategies you
sentences about what it means to be physically fit. Then, will use to maintain wellness as you age? You need 3
write 3 sentences that talk about what you yourself do for sentences in total. Write these strategies as complete
physical fitness and exercise. You need 5 sentences in total. sentences.
Include at least one relevant photo.

Slide 8: Your sources. Go on to the next page for help.

Helpful Information

Citing Your Sources General Tips

● Do not use scripted (handwriting) fonts.

● You can use this site to prepare your Works ● Add color to make your slides visually
Cited or any citation builder of your choice. appealing.
● Your sources should be alphabetized/in ABC ● Do not use the color yellow for your text.
order. ● Everything must be in your own words. Do
● Provide the full citation; not only the URL. not copy anything.
● Upload your project as a PowerPoint file or
● Cite all images and information you find
a PDF using the correct naming protocol
provided by your teacher.
Here is your rubric.

Focus and Content (60 points) Creative Presentation (20 points) Conventions (20 points)

● The presentation follows the slide- ● You used colors and images to ● Sentences begin with capital letters.
by-slide guidelines and presents support the content. ● Sentences end with punctuation.
sufficient detail, based on sentence ● The project is visually appealing ● Grammar is correct
requirements. and organized. ● There are no spelling errors.
● Title Slide ● Sources are cited on the final slide
● Slide 2-About
correctly and alphabetically.
● Slide 3-Nutrition
● Slide 4-Physical Fitness
● Slide 5-Emotional Health
● Slide 6-Spiritual Health
● Slide 7-As you age
● Slide 8-Sources used

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