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Leopold’s Maneuver The Third Maneuver or Pawlik’s Grip:

Goodafternoon Sir, Today I am going to perform a - this is used to determine the fetal position.
Return Demonstration of Leopold’s Maneuver and prior
to the conduct of the procedure.
This is how we do it:
The first thing that I am going to do is to let the patient
empty her bladder first before doing the maneuvers. 1. I’ll place my hand on the symphysis pubis and using
my fingers, I’ll grasp part of fetus between them.
Next is to position the patient into a dorsal recumbent
position with flexed knees to relax her abdominal
muscles. The fourth maneuver or Pelvic Grip:

- used to determine how far is the fetus descended in

After doing that, I’m going to put a pillow under her head to a pelvic inlet.
to give comfort.

Drape the patient, to provide a privacy This time mag fface na po ako sa foot part ng patient.

Now, I am going to explain the procedure to the patient. Kapag ang na feel ko is (buttocks) sa 1st maneuver,
head ang iffeel ko sa 4th maneuver and kapag hindi ko
“ Good Morning Ma’am, today I am going to do a na na ffeel or hindi ko na nakakapa yung head ng baby
Leopold’s Maneuver, Later on, I will touch and feel your that means engage na siya.
abdomen and I will put a little pressure so that I can feel
and know what is the position of your baby inside your
uterus. Is that would be okay with you, Ma’am?” Okay After that, Inform the patient that you’re already done
Thank you. and let the patient back to its comfortable position.

After explaining the procedure to the client, I will start

now doing the leopold’s maneuver. Document the Presentation, Lie, Position, FHT, and If it
is already descended.
Leopold’s maneuver is used to determine what is the
position, presentation, engagement of the fetus inside
the uterus.

There are 4 Maneuvers,

The First one is Fundal Grip - this is use to determine
what part of the fetus is inside the fundus.

This is how we do the 1st maneuver:

1. I’ll place my palm on each side of the upper abdomen
and palpate it around the fundus

If head po yung nasa fundus, ma ffeel ko yung hard,

round, and it is movable object

Kapag naman buttocks, it is soft, parang irregular shape

and mahirap siyang I-move.

The Second Maneuver is Umbilical Grip - this is use to

determine the fetal back of the baby to get its fetal heart

This is how we do the 2nd Maneuver:

1. I will move my hands downward over each side of the

Ang palatandaan sa fetal back is kapag na feel na

smooth and hard surface.

Kapag naman na feel yung irregular knobs and lumps

yun na po yung hands, feet, ankle, and elbows of the

This time, I am going to perform a perineal flushing - helps to

prevent odor, infection and irration.

and prior to the conduct of it’s procedure the first thing that I
am going to do is to:

1. Perfrom a proper handwashing to prevent the spread of

the microorganism.
2. Explain the procedure to the patient.

Ma’am today I am doing perineal flushing, that means I’ll

wash your genital area, this will give you comfort and
freshness. Is that would be okay with you, Ma’am?

3. Gather the materials that are needed

4. Position the patient into a dorsal recumbent position
5. Put on gloves.
6. Remember to observe a proper aseptic technique.
7. I’m going to start now cleansing the genetalia.

- I will use the 7% cleansing solution and I will start in mons

pubis lower abdomen by doing it in a zigzag line.
- Next, in two tighs from inner to outer part by doing it again
in a zigzag line.
- After that, next is to labia majora, by doing it in a figure of 7.
- The last one is, from clitoris downward to rectum.

After cleansing, put a warm water again then pat and dry.

After pat and dry. Put a 10% antiseptic betadine.

After that, after care the materials that you used and Inform
the patient that you’re already done..

Perform a handwashing again.

Document the

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