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In-laws - a person you are related to by marriage, especially the parents and other members
of your husband's or wife's family e.g., mother in-law, father in-law, brother in-law, sister in-
My mother in-law always complains about the food I cook.
Nosy - too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much
about them
My sister is too nosy, she always wants to know what I am doing with my boyfriend.
Nagging - to keep complaining to somebody about their behaviour or keep asking them to
do something
My husband is always nagging me about cleaning the house.
Controlling - having a need to control other people's behavior
My wife is so controlling, she always tells me what I can and can’t do.
Controlling antonyms:
Lenient – usually used with teachers or managers etc.
Relaxed, easy going, tolerant – usually used with family members or friends

Matchmaking - the activity of attempting to arrange romantic relationships or marriages
between people
I tried a matchmaking website to try and find a good husband.
Good match - someone who is well suited to someone else or something which combines
well with something else
She is a good match with my brother.
Beer is a good match with fried chicken.

Blessed -divinely or supremely favored or fortunate or bringing happiness or comfort
I am blessed to have such a wonderful wife.
Connoisseur - a person who has expert knowledge of something, especially in art, food, or
drink, and is qualified to judge and appreciate its quality
He is a whiskey connoisseur, he only drinks 18yo single malt whiskey from Scotland.

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