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Bless 1 - to make something or someone holy by saying a special prayer or to ask God to
care for and protect someone or something
The priest blessed their marriage at the wedding.
Bless 2 - to have something good such as ability, great happiness, etc.
She's blessed with excellent health.
Bliss - a state of supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment
Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of bliss.
Ignorance is bliss - said to emphasize that sometimes it is better for you if you do
not know all the facts about a situation or used to say that if you do not know about a
problem, you cannot worry about it
He never watches the news because he believes that ignorance is bliss.

Stick your nose in - to try to discover things or show too much interest in a situation or
things that are not really related to or involve you
I wish he'd stop sticking his nose into my personal life!
Mind your own business - used to tell someone in a rude way that you do not want them to
ask about something that doesn’t concern them or something private
Someone asked me how much money I earn and I told him to mind his own business.

Empathize - to understand another person's feelings and experiences, especially because
you have been in a similar situation.
My mother died last year so I can really empathize with what he’s going through.
Emphasize - to indicate that something is particularly important or true, or to draw special
attention to it.
I'd like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages.

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