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Bother - to annoy or cause problems for someone or to cause someone to feel troubled,
worried, or concerned
Your father is working on something important, please don’t bother him.
I can’t be bothered - is a useful expression which means that you are not going to do
something because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too tired or lazy
I was planning on going to the gym today but I can’t be bothered.
Annoy - to make someone slightly angry or upset. It implies a making someone angry usually
by a persistent action
I just want to relax after work but my mother in-law keeps on annoying me.
Not many options - we use this phrase when we want to express that there aren't many
choices available
I went to the bakery to buy a cake but there weren’t many options.
When I was younger - this phrase is often used to express a difference in something when
you were less old than how it is now
When I was younger, kids played outside a lot more.

Training wheels - a small pair of wheels attached to each side of the back wheel of
a bicycle to prevent it from falling over when a child is learning to ride it
My daughter is just learning how to ride a bike so she needs training wheels.
You get back what you put in - this phrase is often used to describe the importance of effort
and that you will only benefit from something to the amount of effort that you make or
put in.
I studied really hard and got a good grade, it’s true that you get back what you put in.

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