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Appetite - a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food or a strong desire
or liking for something
He always eats a lot. He has a big appetite.
Taste - a person's liking for particular flavors
This food is not really to my taste.
Craving - an intense or strong feeling of wanting something usually food or drink
I am really craving some chocolate right now.
Flavor - the particular way a substance, esp. food or drink, is recognized from its taste
This Thai green curry has a unique flavor.
Can’t stand - to be unable to tolerate someone or something or to dislike someone or
something extremely
I can’t stand the smell of durian.
Brush up on - to practise and improve your skills or your knowledge of something that
you learned in the past
I need to brush up on my cooking skills.

Pins and needles - when you feel pricking tingling sensation in part of your body for a short
period of time. It usually happens when that part of your body has been in an
uncomfortable position or when that part of your body is growing numb or recovering from
I have pins and needles in my hand.
Fallen asleep - the physical condition when you lose the sense of feeling in some part of
your body usually from being in one position for too long
I don’t think I can stand up. My leg has fallen asleep.
Popped into my head - when a thought, idea, or revelation occurs or forms suddenly in
someone's mind
The idea just popped into my head.
Sprang to mind - to suddenly think of something or to think of something without making
any effort
It was the first thing that sprang to mind.

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